[ Free Tool ] Windy - Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020/2024) - The ...
2020年9月1日 · For P3D and Active Sky, windy.com gives me all the weather info I need, from winds aloft to cloud coverage to visibility and more. I can use it to avoid storms or fly through or over them. For MSFS the weather has been a little iffy, but my last flight in the Pacific Northwest I was able to get accurate cloud cover from windy.
Windy Things for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS
2021年5月6日 · Windy Things is a Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 mod created by trfsto. A collection of SimObjects that respond to wind speed and direction, featuring windsocks, flags from 306 different nations and US states, and decorative windmills. Includes a tool to create custom...
- 评论数: 36
Windy: Wind map & weather forecast
Worldwide animated weather map, with easy to use layers and precise spot forecast. METAR, TAF and NOTAMs for any airport in the World. SYNOP codes from weather stations and buoys. Forecast models ECMWF, GFS, NAM and NEMS.
Soaring Weather Presets - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
2023年6月18日 · To successfully fly long distances in a glider it is important to understand the weather in MSFS. The SSC Soaring Weather features 2 sources of lift for glider pilots: 1. Thermals (rising air associated with clouds) 2. Ridge lift (created by wind flowing over mountains)
Update! MSFS2020 - Real Time Weather App - V.0.2
2021年4月22日 · As of the time of writing, Microsoft Flight Simulator simply has not gotten its live weather right for me. Temperatures, pressures, winds, clouds, etc. are sadly always wrong. I …
Soaring Weather for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS
2023年6月18日 · To successfully fly long distances in a glider it is important to understand the weather in MSFS. The SSC Soaring Weather features 2 sources of lift for glider pilots: 1. Thermals (rising air associated with clouds) 2. Ridge lift (created by wind flowing over mountains)
- 评论数: 10
MSFS20 - How to add Simobjects - FSDeveloper
2021年8月10日 · A: Yes. ADE can place SimObjects in a scenery file. But it currently lacks a tool to add new SimObjects to its database of default SimObjects. You can add any of the SimObjects in the Windy Things library to ADE by following these steps: Install Windy Things by copying the "tsr-windy-things" directory to your Community folder for MSFS 2020.
MSFS (2020/2024) Tips and Tricks Forum - AVSIM
2024年5月19日 · Hi all, I hope that this two-part tutorial will be useful. Part 1: Basic features of the Active Sky app Preset control mode vs passive mode Main differences between Active Sky and MSFS live weather Using windy.com, metar-taf.com and badbadweather.com Comparisons between Active Sky and MSFS live w...
Green Wind Lines - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
2022年11月12日 · go to assistance options, then user experience and turn off “aerodynamic visualization”. Brilliant. That was it. Cheers. If it still doesn’t turn off, open the Developer Menu, …
MFS2020游戏内设置,游戏外设及风景欣赏 - 百度贴吧
蜂窝的油门,很棒的体验,性价比非常高,这是747的四发配置,它有六个轴,通航飞机单独配有另外的推手,配平轮是一大亮点,阻力可调节。 罗技飞行方向舵(带左、右独立刹车功能),我对JET类飞机没什么兴趣,只对螺旋桨(涡桨也算)着迷,这个飞螺旋桨和直升机必备(尤其是直升机),如果你飞JET类飞机倒不是必须,当然有总比没有强。 属于价廉物美的方向舵,易损件网上很好配也非常便宜,坏了自己都能修。 这一套,全是淘的某鱼二手,基本全新,既不是返修 …