Aluminium–magnesium–silicon alloys - Wikipedia
Aluminium–magnesium–silicon alloys (AlMgSi) are aluminium alloys —alloys that are mainly made of aluminium —that contain both magnesium and silicon as the most important alloying elements in terms of quantity. Both together account for less than 2 percent by mass.
Influence of Mg/Si ratio on the mechanical strength and electrical ...
2025年1月1日 · This study aims to identify the optimal Mg/Si ratio that achieves a balance between mechanical strength and electrical conductivity in Al-Mg-Si alloys. The effects of differing Mg/Si ratios on the hardness and electrical conductivity of …
Change in the structure and mechanical properties of Al–Mg–Si …
2023年11月1日 · Understanding 6xxx AA (Al–Mg–Si alloys) relies heavily on structural analysis at the atomic level. Because the nanoscale precipitates that form during artificial ageing essentially strengthen the alloys, it is crucial to lessen the negative effects of Natural Ageing (NA) and enhance the age hardening of Al–Mg–Si alloys.
Superior strength-ductility synergy of Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys …
3 天之前 · The average fraction of Al, Mg, Si and Cu atoms in Mg-Si-Cu clusters is estimated to be ∼29.95 at.%, ∼16.93 at.%, ∼26.58 at.% and ∼26.53 at.%, respectively (refer to Table 7). Furthermore, Fig. 4 c shows 5NN distance distributions of solute atoms (Mg-Si-Cu, Mg, Si and Cu), including random and experimental data. The random data were ...
时效早期Al-Mg-Si合金的组织和析出相的演变 - cjmr.org
用显微硬度测试、差示扫描量热法(DSC)和高分辨透射电镜(HRTEM)观察等手段研究了Al-Mg-Si合金人工时效过程中的硬化、组织变化以及早期析出相的演变。 结果表明:在170℃时效的合金具有更高的峰值硬度。
摘要:概述了Al-Si-Mg系铸造合金的应用现状与高强韧制备研究进展,系统总结了Al-Si-Mg 系铸造合金晶粒细化、硅相变质、精密热处理、成分设计与成形- 成性工艺装备的研究进展,
不同Mg/Si比对Al-Mg-Si合金电缆组织和性能的影响,Materials …
2016年9月1日 · 摘要 高品质的aa6101铝电缆对于电气工业满足能源消耗要求至关重要。在目前的工作中,研究了 mg/si 比对 aa6101 铝合金的电导率和机械性能的影响。采用惠斯通电桥法和拉伸试验对力学性能进行表征。使用 x 射线衍射 (xrd)、扫描电子显微镜 (sem) 和透射电子显微镜 (tem) 来了解沉淀物的形态和时效硬化 ...
Mg和Si质量比对6系铝合金性能的影响 - usst.edu.cn
2020年2月6日 · 摘要:6系铝合金中Mg和Si元素是主要强化元素,其中Mg和Si质量比是其成分配比中的重要参数。 通过对材料微观组织、力学性能、导电性和韧性进行测试和分析,研究Mg和Si质量比对6系铝合金组织形貌和性能的影响。...
多阶段时效对Al-Mg-Si-Ag合金析出强化及力学性能 ... - X-MOL
多步时效和微合金化是有效促进析出强化和提高Al-Mg-Si合金性能的方法。本文系统研究了多步时效对Ag微合金化Al-Mg-Si合金析出和性能的影响。控制初级和次级时效步骤的温度对于提高多级时效的有效性至关重要。最佳的多级时效处理确定为:100 °C × 2 h + 180 °C × 2 h,该合金的峰值硬度为 142.4 HV(比 ...
Structure-dynamics relationship in Al-Mg-Si liquid alloys
2023年12月14日 · The fundamental role of the structure-diffusion relationship is investigated for Al-Mg-Si liquid alloys taken as a prototype of Al-6xxx. For this purpose, first principles based molecular dynamics simulations were performed for various Si and Mg content for Al-rich compositions, including the binary alloy counterparts.