MG系列 - 雅马哈(Yamaha)中国
以mg12为例,有12个输入通道,标着1到12数字的插口就是输入端口,其中1到4是单通道多功能复合插口,既可以插入卡农针式插头,也可以插入大三芯或大两芯直插头,5到8是单通道卡农针 …
MG Series Analog Mixing Consoles - Yamaha
With an intuitive, easy-to-use interface, the MG Series boasts an extensive lineup of compact mixing consoles with models ranging from six to twenty channels, suitable for a diverse range …
MG12XUK - 雅马哈 (Yamaha)中国
雅马哈 (Yamaha)在中国的官方网站。 全面介绍雅马哈钢琴、电子琴、管乐器、吉他、爵士鼓、合成器等乐器和音乐制作产品、家庭音响和专业音响产品信息及服务。
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MG12 - 雅马哈乐器音响(中国)官网
Yamaha MG12调音台具有12个通道,是一款适用于广泛用户和应用场合的多功能调音台。 MG12具有12个线路输入(4个单声道,4个立体声)和6个带有 48V幻象电源的话筒输入,每 …
Yamaha MG12 12-Input 4-Bus Mixer - amazon.com
2012年8月23日 · The MG12's crystal clear D-PRE preamps will squeeze every drop of tone from your mics, with natural-sounding bass and smooth highs. Featuring switchable phantom …
【雅马哈MG12】报价_参数_图片_论坛_YAMAHA MG12雅马哈音 …
中关村在线为您提供雅马哈mg12音频及会议系统最新报价,同时包括雅马哈mg12图片、雅马哈mg12参数、雅马哈mg12评测行情、雅马哈mg12论坛、雅马哈mg12点评和经销商价格等信 …
MG12XU 12-Channel Mixer with USB and Effects - Yamaha USA
2 AUX (incl. FX) “D-PRE” mic preamps with an inverted Darlington circuit; 1-Knob compressors; High-grade effects: SPX with 24 programs; 24-bit / 192kHz 2in / 2out USB Audio functions; …
Yamaha MG12XU 12-Input Mixer with Built-In FX and MG12XU …
2019年5月28日 · Buy Yamaha MG12XU 12-Input Mixer with Built-In FX and 2-In/2-Out USB Interface featuring 6x Mic Inputs, 12x Line Inputs, 2-In/2-Out USB Up to 24-Bit / 192kHz, Built …
Yamaha MG12/4FX - Reverb
Yamaha MG12/4FX Mixer Features: 12-channel, 4-bus mixer with built-in effects processor ; Six low-noise mic preamps ; XLR and TRS input connections ; 16 effect types including reverbs, …
Yamaha MG12/4FX Mixer - Reverb
The MG12/4FX features a total of 12 input channels: four mono microphone/line inputs and four stereo line inputs, two of which offer mono microphone input capability. Gain trim covers a …