碳化镁 - 百度百科
碳化镁(Mg2C3)能够与 水 作用发生 水解 生成 丙炔 ,丙二烯是一种重要的基础有机化学原料。 制备方式:3C+2Mg===Mg2C3 (条件:加强热),可由碳粉与镁粉混合加强热制得。
mp-28793: Mg2C3 (orthorhombic, Pnnm, 58) - Materials Project
Mg2C3 crystallizes in the orthorhombic Pnnm space group. The structure is three-dimensional. Mg2+ is bonded in a 3-coordinate geometry to five C+1.33- atoms. There are a spread of Mg–C bond distances ranging from 2.21–2.47 Å. There are two inequivalent C+1.33- sites.
Crystal Structures and Chemical Bonding of Magnesium Carbide at …
Recent studies of the magnesium carbide (Mg–C) system under pressure were motivated by the successful high-pressure and high-temperature synthesis of Mg2C and Mg2C3. Here, we systematically investi...
化学元素手册·镁·(55)碳化镁 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
惜今生有缘无分,愿来世不再错过。 化学式:MgC2。 CAS登记号:12122-46-2。 摩尔质量 (g/mol):48.326。 颜色:白色 (?)。 性状:固体。 熔点 (℃):500 (分解)。 沸点 (℃):无数据。 密度 (kg/m3):无数据。 III. 元素分析 与 氧化数. 它可以由450℃的氢气中,在镁粉上通过乙炔而成。 它也可由氯化镁和碳化钙作用。 或通过乙基镁与乙炔反应而得。 在500℃以上时, 碳化镁 分解成丙二烯镁。 碳化镁会水解。 VI. 固态结构. 镁的成键构型:无数据。 晶体结构类型:无数据 …
Synthesis of β-Mg2C3: A Monoclinic High-Pressure Polymorph of …
2014年6月13日 · A new monoclinic polymorph of Mg2C3 was synthesized using high-pressure, high-temperature methods. The crystal structure was solved by combining synchrotron X-ray diffraction data with accurate evo...
Mg–C System up to 20 GPa: Its Phase Diagram and Stable …
2023年1月20日 · The phase diagram of the Mg–C system has been constructed up to 20 GPa and ∼4000 K based on complementary Thermo-Calc simulations and experimental data obtained in both ex situ and in situ experiments using X-ray diffraction with synchrotron radiation. Three high-pressure magnesium carbides, namely, β-Mg2C3, its high-temperature form γ-Mg2C3, and antifluorite Mg2C, have p–T domains of ...
(PDF) Synthesis of β‑Mg2C3: A Monoclinic High ... - ResearchGate
2014年1月1日 · The presence of Mg2C3 and Mg (OH)2 in composite layer, nano-crystalline, and reduced nano-crystalline graphite in CNPs was identified by high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM).
Mg2C3 物理化学性质 - 百度知道
2008年3月14日 · Mg2C3不是碳酸镁MgCO3。 可看作是镁与碳形成的固溶体碳化物,金属镁原子依照金属晶体的方式堆积,常常是六方堆积,C原子半径比较小,填充在其中的某些空隙中,也可以看作是一种合金。
mg2c3水解方程式 - 百度文库
mg2c3是由镁离子(Mg2+)和碳酸根离子(C3-)组成的盐类化合物。 它的分子式为Mg2C3,相对分子质量为84.71 g/mol。 mg2c3是一种固体,常温下呈灰白色结晶体,不溶于水和大多数有机溶剂。
Synthesis of β-Mg(2)C(3): a monoclinic high-pressure ... - PubMed
2014年7月7日 · A new monoclinic variation of Mg2C3 was synthesized from the elements under high-pressure (HP), high-temperature (HT) conditions. Formation of the new compound, which can be recovered to ambient conditions, was observed in situ using X-ray diffraction with synchrotron radiation.