Cipher (disambiguation) | Metal Gear Wiki | Fandom
Cipher or Cypher may refer to: Cipher, an alias the Patriots adopted in the 1970s. Cipher (Zero), an alias that was also adopted by Zero in the 1970s. Cypher, a saucer-type unmanned aerial …
What is cipher and what happened to it after the events of tpp
2023年7月30日 · Cipher is an organization founded by Major Zero, after Big Boss instructed Ocelot to give both halves of The Philosopher’s Legacy to Zero. As Zero lost his grip on the …
Zero - Metal Gear Wiki | Fandom
Zero (real name David Oh, and formerly known as Major Zero, O, Major Tom and Cipher) was the original commander of CIA Special Forces Unit FOX (Force Operation X) as well as Cipher. …
FOX、XOF、Cipher、Zero、骷髅脸 和 BB 是什么关系?【合金装 …
fox是零少校(Major Zero)和引领者建立的CIA秘密行动小组,约翰(John),任务代号裸蛇(Naked Snake),FOX部队的第一个探员。 Cipher是Zer秘密建立的另一组织,XOF就是这个 …
Why did Big Boss simultaneously despise Cipher while accepting ... - Reddit
2023年4月17日 · Cipher was essentially in the midst of a civil war during the events of PW and V. Some elements saw Big Boss's idea as a benefit to their shared goal of world unification and …
Cypher - Metal Gear Wiki
The Cypher is a saucer-type unmanned aerial vehicle used for surveillance and communication support of land and marine operations. The Cypher is capable of vertical take-offs and …
MGSV: Cipher: V years later : r/metalgearsolid - Reddit
2020年8月12日 · For five years I strongly agreed, and had thought one of the best writing teams suddenly lost their depth. They were somehow was convinced by Konami to force out a 45-60 …
who or what I cipher? - Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Cipher is Zero's intelligence agency and is a precursor to the Patriots (main antagonists behind the scenes in Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2, and Metal Gear Solid 4). Their...
黑与白的莫比乌斯环 浅谈“核废绝”与MGSV(修订版·上)
《幻痛》在时间轴位置上是处于系列前作《合金装备:和平行者》和28年前系列起点《METAL GEAR》(以下简称MG)中间,是系列历史并未提及的一大块空白。 而《幻痛》在宣传期便 …
《MGS V 幻痛》最終解讀|關於 V 的真義與白鯨記互文論 - U-ACG
本作品設定了一位叫做 Cipher 的病理生物學者,他從 The End 身上(三代《Snake Eater》的狙擊手)發現了一種與宿主共生的寄生生物,寄生蟲的部分菌株可以賦予人類其他的才能(如果成 …
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