Zero - Metal Gear Wiki
Zero (real name David Oh, and formerly known as Major Zero, O, Major Tom and Cipher) was the original commander of CIA Special Forces Unit FOX (Force Operation X) as well as Cipher. His relationship with Big Boss started as a friendship, but later developed into a bitter enmity.
Zero (Metal Gear) | Villains Wiki | Fandom
Zero (real name David Oh), better known as Cipher, is one of the two overarching antagonists (alongside Skull Face) of the Metal Gear franchise.
FOX、XOF、Cipher、Zero、骷髅脸 和 BB 是什么关系?【合金装 …
fox是零少校(Major Zero)和引领者建立的CIA秘密行动小组,约翰(John),任务代号裸蛇(Naked Snake),FOX部队的第一个探员。 Cipher是Zer秘密建立的另一组织,XOF就是这个组织里的一个特殊部队,由骷髅脸领导。
Attack on Zero - Metal Gear Wiki
The Attack on Zero took place in 1976 and was an event in which Zero, the founder and leader of Cipher, was attacked by his Executive Officer, Skull Face, who at the time commanded Cipher's strike force XOF. Following Paz Ortega Andrade's failure to …
Major Zero - Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain Guide - IGN
2015年10月11日 · Zero, who's real name was David Oh and is also known by "O", Major Tom, Major Zero and Cipher, was the original commander of CIA special forces unit FOX. After Zero became a founding member...
Can someone explain the relationship between Zero and Big Boss?
2020年2月12日 · Ocelot working with Zero is explained in the truth tapes. The two are not on good terms but have one thing in common which is their devotion to Big Boss. Zero was outraged by Skull Face nearly killing the man he still considered his dearest friend, and who he dearly wanted to return to Cipher so he could be the organisations 'icon'.
What is cipher and what happened to it after the events of tpp : r ...
2023年7月30日 · Cipher is an organization founded by Major Zero, after Big Boss instructed Ocelot to give both halves of The Philosopher’s Legacy to Zero. As Zero lost his grip on the organization (with Big Boss leaving and Skull Face subverting Cipher’s resources and chain of command for his own ends), he had Donald Anderson (Sigint) create The Patriots ...
World-renowned Kojima Productions brings the Metal Gear Solid franchise to Steam with METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES. Play as the legendary hero Snake and infiltrate a Cuban military base to rescue the hostages.
So basically, Zero... (spoilers) [MGSV Spoilers] - Reddit
2017年4月30日 · In MGS4 we were told that Zero commissioned the AIs to continue his work but that they went rogue in 2010s, but in MGS5 we find out that the machines had been in charge since 1977. Zero turns into a tragic villain while Big Boss turns out to be a hypocrite. Instead of "completing the circle", MGS5 kinda redrew the whole picture.
Does OKB Zero have a delivery point? - Metal Gear Solid V
For Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Does OKB Zero have a delivery point?".