Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services - Ohio
Call, text, or chat the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline for free, confidential support — anytime, any reason. What are you looking for? Can You Beat the Stigma? Stigmas lead people to make judgements and buy into myths about mental health and drug and alcohol use disorders.
Constructed Data Documentation
Since the beginning of the study, the MHAS includes a section to assess cognitive function in direct and proxy interview. The constructed data files include all constructed scores for the different cognitive function tasks included in the study …
The Grants and Funding Management System (GFMS) will be utilized by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS), ADAMHS/ADAS/CMHS Boards and all Prevention, Treatment and Recovery Support Providers for all OhioMHAS funds (federal and state) to support proposal, submission, manag...
2022年2月21日 · The Mexican Health and Aging Study (MHAS) is a national longitudinal study of adults 50 years and older in Mexico. The baseline survey, with national and urban/rural representation of adults born in 1951 or earlier, was conducted in 2001 with follow-up interviews in 2003, 2012, 2015, 2018, 2021 and 2024.
MHAS数据库架构与数据获取方法 - 维普期刊官网
Mexican Health and Aging Study (MHAS)|老年健康数据集|社会经 …
2024年10月30日 · 墨西哥健康与老龄化研究(MHAS)是一个纵向研究,旨在调查墨西哥老年人口的健康状况、社会经济特征和生活方式。 该研究包括了关于健康状况、医疗使用、社会支持、经济状况、生活方式和认知功能等多个方面的数据。
人口老龄化已成为世界发达国家和部分发展中国家普遍存在的一种社会现象,人口老龄化所带来的医学问题也因此受到了广泛关注.MHAS数据库是一项针对墨西哥50岁及以上成年人的全国性纵向研究,旨在前瞻性地评估疾病对墨西哥城市和农村地区50岁以上成年人的 ...
医学及公卫科研|超多公开数据库,总有一个适合你 - 知乎
墨西哥健康与老龄化研究 (MHAS)是一项针对墨西哥50岁及以上成年人的全国性纵向研究。 旨在前瞻性地评估疾病对墨西哥城市和农村地区50岁以上成年人的健康,功能和死亡率的影响。
2024年11月29日 · 七大老年公共 数据库 共涵盖33个国家的数据,包括:美国健康与退休研究 (Health and Retirement Study, HRS);英国老龄化纵向研究 (English Longitudinal Study of Ageing, ELSA);欧洲健康、老龄化和退休调查(Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe ,SHARE);韩国老龄化纵向研究 ...
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