High-electron-mobility transistor - Wikipedia
HEMT transistors are able to operate at higher frequencies than ordinary transistors, up to millimeter wave frequencies, and are used in high-frequency products such as cell phones, satellite television receivers, voltage converters, and radar equipment.
洪伟教授前沿评述:毫米波与太赫兹技术 - 知乎
基于该类工艺的毫米波器件类型主要有高电子迁移率晶体管(hemt)、改性高电子迁移率晶体管(mhemt) 和异质结双极性晶体管(hbt)等.
Metamorphic HEMT Technology for Microwave, Millimeter …
This paper reviews recent progress in the development of GaAs Metamorphic HEMT (MHEMT) technology for microwave, millimeter-wave, and submillimeter-wave applications. Short gate-length (50-100 nm) Metamorphic High Electron Mobility Transistors have been optimized for high gain and low noise performance.
35 nm mHEMT Technology for THz and ultra low noise applications
35 nm mHEMT Technology for THz and ultra low noise applications Abstract: In this paper we present a very compact 0.28 × 0.55 mm 2 six-stage terahertz monolithic integrated circuit (TMIC) using 35 nm gate length metamorphic high electron mobility transistors (mHEMTs).
GaAs metamorphic high electron mobility transistors for future …
2019年10月1日 · MHEMTs are eminent among the transistors used for developing Terahertz imaging and sensing, radiometry, high resolution Radars, Collision avoidance Radars and Terahertz time domain spectroscopy. Heart of such high …
W-Band MMIC chipset in 0.1-μm mHEMT technology - Wiley …
2020年8月14日 · The development of an MMIC chipset using ETRI 0.1-μm mHEMT technology on a 4-in 100-μm-thick GaA substrate was described. In this paper, we report on the results of the development of an in-house mHEMT technology with a gate length of 0.1 μm, and the performance of a W-band MMIC to support the technology.
Performances and limitations analyses of PHEMT and MHEMT for ...
2005年9月1日 · These preliminary studies show that MHEMT technology (with more indium concentration in the active layer than in PHEMT), permits to obtain higher gain than PHEMT thanks to higher F t and F max. It has been shown that a composite channel permits to improve the on-state breakdown voltage and to obtain suitable F t (136 GHz) and F max (260 GHz ...
Up to now, this frequency regime can be handled only by sub harmonic Schottky diode based mixers, but as demonstrated in this paper, metamorphic high electron mobility transistor (mHEMT) technology is becoming available.
0.25μm GaAs基MHEMT器件 - JOS
2004年3月1日 · 0.25μm GaAs基MHEMT器件. 石华芬, 刘训春, 张海英, 石瑞英, 王润梅, 汪宁 and 罗明雄
MBE生长的MHEMT器件的基本的研究 - 豆丁网
2015年6月6日 · 从材料的层结构上 来说.MHEMT器件就是把InP系的InAlAs/InGaAs异质结结构搬移到GaAs村底上,使它不仅具有InP HEMT的高电子浓度,高迁移率和高饱和速度的优点,而且摆脱了InP衬底成本高、工艺加工时机械 强度低、易碎的缺点,是HEMT器件目前发展的最新方向。 但是.由于GaAs材料同lnAIAs/InGaAs 异质结晶格不匹配.所以如何解决这个问题成为MHEMT器件生长技术的关键。 本文所报道的是在中科院物理所提供的MHEMT 材料上,采用 …
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