MHETase - Wikipedia
The first enzyme of the PET degradation pathway, PETase, cleaves this plastic into the intermediates MHET (Mono-(2-hydroxyethyl)terephthalic acid) and minor amounts BHET (Bis-(2-hydroxyethyl)terephthalic acid). MHETase hydrolyses the ester bond of MHET forming terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol. Enzymatic PET degradation by PETase and MHETase
Structure of the plastic-degrading Ideonella sakaiensis MHETase …
2019年4月12日 · Two α/β-hydrolase fold enzymes (α/β-hydrolases), PETase and MHETase, work together to degrade PET in two steps via MHET, yielding TPA and ethylene glycol—the building blocks required for a ...
Computational design of highly efficient thermostable MHET …
2023年11月9日 · A study on the computational design of enzymes for plastic (MHET and PET) degradation yielded an efficient dual enzyme degradation system for PET recycling with a substantially increased...
Molecular docking analysis of PET with MHET - PMC
Ideonella sakaiensiscells bind to the PET surface and degrade it into mono(2-hydroxyethyl) terephthalic acid (MHET), a heterodimer of terephthalic acid (TPA) and ethylene glycol, using a secreted PET hydrolase, or PETase. The first PETase was discovered in I. sakaiensis, and it works by hydrolyzing the ester bonds found in PET with high ...
Reaction Mechanism of MHETase, a PET Degrading Enzyme
2021年8月6日 · In 2016, one of the two enzymes involved in the polyethylene terephthalate (PET) degradation pathway of Ideonella sakaiensis 201-F6, MHETase, was found to exhibit a strong ability to degrade the PET monomer mono-(2-hydroxyethyl)terephthalate (MHET) at room temperature, converting it back into the precursors used in PET production. MHETase ...
Structural insight into molecular mechanism of poly(ethylene ... - Nature
2018年1月26日 · Based on structural and site-directed mutagenesis experiments, the detailed process of PET degradation into MHET, terephthalic acid, and ethylene glycol is suggested.
PET解聚关键反应中间体单(对苯二甲酸2-羟乙酯)-MHET的新型 …
PET的酶水解产生对苯二甲酸 (TPA)、乙二醇 (EG)、对苯二甲酸单 (2-羟乙基)酯 (MHET)和对苯二甲酸双 (2-羟乙基)酯 (BHET)的混合物作为主要产品。 这项工作开发了一种新的方法来量化生物催化剂的水解活性,使用 BHET 作为模型底物。 该协议可用于筛选用于 PET 解聚反应的酶,以及其他应用。 非常好的拟合(R 2 = 0.993) 实验数据和数学模型之间证实了 Michaelis-Menten 方程分析 BHET 浓度 (8-200 mmol L -1 ) 对特异腐质霉 角质酶 (HiC)催化的初始水解速率影响的可行 …
用于 PET 回收的高效热稳定 MHET 水解酶和双酶 ... - X-MOL
最近开发的用于聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯 (PET) 解聚的酶,例如 FAST-PETase 和 LCC-ICCG,会受到 PET 中间产物对苯二甲酸单 (2-羟乙基)酯 (MHET) 的抑制。 因此,PET 酶促转化为其组成单体对苯二甲酸 (TPA) 和乙二醇 (EG) 的效率很低。 在这项研究中,从结构数据库中选择了与嗜热羧酸酯酶(Est30)相对应的蛋白质支架(1TQH),并在计算机中重新设计。 在设计中,双变体 KL-MHETase (I171K/G130L) 的蛋白质熔解温度 (67.58 °C) 与 PET 水解酶 FAST-PETase (67.80 …
MHET: Molecular Insights and Impact on Polymer Biodegradation
5 天之前 · The breakdown of PET into MHET follows a sequence of hydrolytic reactions that dismantle the polymer’s ester linkages. This process is primarily driven by enzymatic hydrolysis, where PET-degrading enzymes like PETase cleave ester bonds, yielding soluble intermediates. MHET serves as a transitional product, bridging PET degradation to its ...
2024年9月27日 · TmFae-PETase能降解PET塑料并其转化为MHET和TPA等产物(图3b)。 为评估TmFae-PETase的PET水解能力,将其与已报道的PET水解酶进行功能比较,从系统发育树的每个分支上选择一个代表性的PET水解酶,分别是IsPETase、FsC和LCC。