MHU-12/M Munitions Handling Trailer - National Museum of …
The MHU-12 munitions handling trailer is used to transport munitions between the storage area and the flightline. It can accommodate a wide variety of munitions using various adapters, cradles and chocks. Two hinged deck panels in the center of the trailer bed fold open to provide access under stores for loading and unloading.
Fact Sheets - National Museum of the USAF
2015年6月8日 · MHU-12 Munitions Handling Trailer . Note: This item is currently in storage.The MHU-12 munitions handling trailer is used to transport munitions between the storage areas and the flightline. It has a 5,000 pound capacity and can accommodate a wide variety of munitions. The trailer on display was refurbished by the 1st Equipment
MAU to MXU/MXK/MXG - Equipment Listing - Designation …
MHU-12/M: Munitions Handling Trailer MHU-13/C: Clip-In Adapter Support; used with MHU-20/C in B-52: MHU-14/C: Clip-In Subassembly MHU-15/E: Bomb Handling Cradle (16...18) (No information) MHU-19/E: Bomb Handling Cradle MHU-20/C: Multiple Carriage Clip-In Assembly; used in B-52: MHU-21/C: Clip-In Subassembly
compared to the 5000 pound rated load capacity of the MHU-12/M Trailer. This higher load rating provides for transport of two AGM-69 SRAM missiles which physically fit but exceed the load rating of the MHU-12/M Trailer (ref. 1). Dynamic tests, which simulated the flight conditions of cargo aircraft, on
MHU-12/M Munitions Handling Trailer (Vietnam era)
2016年2月17日 · Whilst the Skunkmodels kit may be a reasonable approximation of the MHU-141/M munitions handling trailer, there is very little in common with the MHU-12/M munitions handling trailer. The significant differences include the following.
MHU-12 Munitions Handling Trailer - National Museum of the …
The MHU-12 munitions handling trailer is used to transport munitions between the storage areas and the flightline. It has a 5,000 pound capacity and can accommodate a wide variety of munitions. The trailer on display was refurbished by the 1st Equipment Maintenance Squadron at Langley Air Force Base, Va., and was received by the museum in 1991.
Bolster Transport of Special Weapons on the MHU-12/M Trailer.
One set of double-stacked B-61s was secured on the MHU-12M with the conventional trailer-supplied cables, and a road test proved that this configuration was compatible.
5000# Capacity Aluminum Air Force Munitions Trailer MHU-12/M
Cavlon Online Store 5000# Capacity Aluminum Air Force Munitions Trailer MHU-12/M [MHU-12/M] - For sale is a 5000# Capacity Aluminum Air Force Munitions Trailer MHU-12/M.Cavlon Item # 2785.Raw weight is 1570 lbs. Raw dimensions are 84*126*28.This item is to be shipped via backhaul to ensure safe delivery to you. Name: ...
Static and dynamic testing of the MHU-12/M trailer ... - OSTI.GOV
Technical Report: Static and dynamic testing of the MHU-12/M trailer. Technical report, Sep 1970--Nov 1971. Static and dynamic testing of the MHU-12/M trailer. Technical report, Sep 1970--Nov 1971. Full Record; Other Related Research; Authors: Krek, F T Publication Date:
Tandem towing tests of the MHU-12/M trailer. Final report, …
Technical Report: Tandem towing tests of the MHU-12/M trailer. Final report, October 1972-- December 1973