Mysterious Heroine X | Fate/Grand Order Wiki | Fandom
Reduce all enemies defense for 3 turns. 500% Chance to grant self Delayed buff for 1 turn. (Chance to Stun all enemies for 1 turn after 1 turn.) Increases own Quick performance by …
Mysterious Heroine X - TYPE-MOON Wiki
Also known as Heroine X (ヒロインX, Hiroin X?) and just X, Mysterious Heroine X is an unknown heroine who tasked herself in eliminating Saber-class heroines during Back Alley Satsuki - …
Mysterious Heroine X (Alter) | Fate/Grand Order Wiki | Fandom
Mysterious Heroine X (Alter), the first★5 Artoria Alter Servant, is a Berserker-version of Artoria Pendragon from an alternate universe. She debuted in the Valentine 2016 Event Re-Run and …
Mysterious Heroine X | Servants - Fate/Grand Order Wiki
In a Servant-verse far far away, Mysterious Heroine X has taken up the noble duty of exterminating all Sabers. Outside of an extremely narrow niche in destroying all Saberfaces, …
Mysterious Heroine X (Alter) | Servants - GamePress
Mysterious Heroine X’s altered yet sane counterpart, the bookish Mysterious Heroine X (Alter) is a traveler with a sweet tooth from a Servant Universe far, far away. MHXA is a non-standard …
Mysterious Heroine X Alter | TYPE-MOON Wiki | Fandom
As hinted by Mysterious Heroine XX’s lines in My Room, MHX Alter is dead in the Servantverse. She doesn’t mind, as thanks to the afterlife’s mechanics, MHX Alter is able to generate as …
MHX | Fate Grand Order Wiki - GamePress
Halloween Rebellion of 108! A Dragon Girl's Water Margin.
Mysterious Heroine XX | Fate/Grand Order Wiki | Fandom
fgoでは基本的に使用されない。 最果ての正義:A 宇宙の最先端にして最果てである『境界』からの力。『無』を食い破る力でもあり、宇宙を拡げる真理そのものとも。
Mysterious Heroine XX | Servants - Fate/Grand Order Wiki
With her Foreigner type classing and 4-star rarity, Mysterious Heroine XX unleashes her Single Target Arts Noble Phantasm and provides Masters with a more accessible chance at the true …
Mysterious Heroine X (Assassin) | Fate Grand Order (FGO)
Mysterious Heroine X is a limtied servant and currently unavailable in the Story Summon. She first appeard in the Saber Wars Event Pickup Summon. Mysterious Heroine X or MHX for short is …