Mil Mi-17 - Wikipedia
The Mil Mi-17 (NATO reporting name: Hip) is a Soviet-designed Russian military helicopter family introduced in 1975 (Mi-8M), continuing in production as of 2024 at two factories, in Kazan and Ulan-Ude. It is known as the Mi-8M series in Russian service.
米-17直升机 - 百度百科
米-17直升机(英文:Mi-17 Medium helicopter)是前苏联米里设计局研制的单旋翼带尾桨中型运输直升机。 米-17直升机分别由喀山和乌兰乌德两家航空工厂生产。
米-17直升机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Mi-17直升机是苏联 米尔设计局所设计的多用途直升机,它是自Mi-8直升机的设计改良 [1] 。北约代号为“河马-H”(Hip-H),Mi-17于1981年的柏林航空展上首次公开。
Mi-17直昇機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Mi-17的機尾門 Mi-17的儀表. 1964年,米爾設計局進行Mi-8改良型的開發,代號Mi-8M。Mi-8M型則是從原先研發的高速型直升機Mi-8S的架構改良,更換動力更強勁的渦輪軸發動機。由於蘇聯軍方要求改良型機要能搭載40個人或4噸物資,因此米爾設計局延長了飛機貨艙區。
Mi-8 / Mi-17 Hip Multimission Helicopter - Army Technology
2020年7月24日 · The improved version of the Mi-8 is the Mi-17 Hip multipurpose helicopter, also known as the Mi-8TMB. It is specifically designed for improved capabilities at high altitudes and in hot weather conditions.
米-17直升機(米-17):發展沿革,技術特點,性能數據,衍生型號,服役動 …
米-17直升機(英文:Mi-17 Medium helicopter)是前蘇聯米里設計局研製的單旋翼帶尾槳中型運輸直升機,分別由喀山和烏蘭烏德兩家航空工廠生產。北約給它取的綽號為“...
MI-17系列多任务直升飞机(北约代号:“河马”(Hip)-H)是升级的外销型MI-8“河马”(Hip)通用直升飞机,在1960年由Mil设计局推出。 PLA陆军航空兵操作超过200架MI-17的四种改型:MI-17、MI-171、MI-17V-5、MI-17V-7。
Mi-8T vs. Mi-8MT/Mi-17 differences - ARC Discussion Forums
2009年3月27日 · Mi-17 is simply the export designation of the Mi-8MT. It used to be that Mi-8MT was used for a helicopter in Russian/Warpac service, with Mi-17 being used for other countries - but things have got a little complicated with Hip's being sold on through third parties.
Vertipedia - Mil Mi-8MT (Mi-17) - Vertical Flight Society
Unlike the Mi-8T, the turboshaft engine is equipped with deflectors to prevent dust intake; a 7.62 mm machine gun is also built onto the military-transport helicopter. The cabin capacity is 24 passengers in addition to the two crew. The export version is known as the Mi-17. Provided powerplant data is for uninstalled, sea level, static operations.
Mi-17 [Mi-8MT] HIP H - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年9月7日 · The Mi-17 is equipped with instruments, avionics, Doppler radar, and a fully functioning autopilot for operation in day, night, and instrument meteorological conditions.