Mil Mi-17 - Wikipedia
The Mil Mi-17 (NATO reporting name: Hip) is a Soviet-designed Russian military helicopter family introduced in 1975 (Mi-8M), continuing in production as of 2024 at two factories, in Kazan and Ulan-Ude. It is known as the Mi-8M series in Russian service.
Mil Mi-171A2 Passenger Transport Helicopter - Airport …
Mi-171A2 is a medium-class civil passenger transport helicopter developed by Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant, a subsidiary of Russian Helicopters. The helicopter was unveiled for the first time at the HeliExpo held at Dallas, Texas, US, in 2012.
Mi-171直升机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Mi-171Sh又名Mi-8AMTSh,是Mi-171的武裝直昇機型,在其機身兩側加上火箭彈和反坦克飛彈等武器,此型號的Mi-171大多是出口給中華人民共和國。 使用國家 [ 编辑 ]
Mi-171A2 - rhc.ru
Mi-171A2 is an advanced heavy multirole helicopter that combines the distinguished operational history of the Mi-8/17 series with the latest technology to deliver outstanding levels of reliability, safety and comfort.
Mil Mi-171A2 Specs, Interior, and Price - Helicopter Specs
Mil Mi-171A2 helicopter is combined with the best quality from the Mi-8/17 series. The helicopter was an improved version of the Mi-171A1, which was produced by the Ulan-Ude Flight Factory. The new helicopter is equipped with an improved main rotor and gear system, aircraft system and propulsion system.
Mi-171A2 - rhc.ru
米-171A2是先进的重型多用途直升机,将米-8/17系列的卓越运营历史与最新技术相结合,从而提供出色的可靠性、安全性和舒适性。 这种直升机在同直升机运营商密切合作的情况下研制,为中型直升机设定了新标准。 米-171A2具有高度的通用性,可确保在任何条件下都能成功执行任务。 多用途米-171A2是现代经典。 2017年,米-171A2在俄罗斯获得了“A”类认证,该类别规定了民用直升机最严格的安全要求。 迄今为止,米-171A2证书已在印度和哥伦比亚得到认证。
Mil Mi-171A2 - Helis.com
The Russian Helicopters Mi-171A2 is powered by FADEC equipped Klimov VK2500 turboshafts, a KBO-17 integrated avionics suite and a new tail rotor. The helicopter has a more efficient X-shaped steering screw and a new rotor with composite blades …
Mi-171A2是在世界知名的Mi-8 / Mi-17直升机的基础上全面现代化升级的机型。 在开发Mi-171A2时,目标是降低直升机的运行成本,提高其综合性能,使其符合适用于民用飞机的现代适航标准。
Mi-171A2: The Long-Awaited Innovation of the Russian Helicopter ...
2017年12月6日 · Mi-171A2 helicopter is notable for a wide range of tasks fulfilled: it can be produced in transport, passenger, fire, search and rescue, medical evacuation and VIP-configurations. According to experts, the machine has a huge potential, both on the Russian market and abroad.
俄罗斯下一代Mi-171A2直升机使用3D打印和拓扑优化技术_直升机 …
今年,该公司在展会上首次推出下一代Mi-171A2直升机,同时使用增材制造技术和拓扑优化应用。 Boginsky评论说,“除了轻型多功能直升机的大型首映式之外,Mi-171A2将重点放在增材制造技术和拓扑优化方面取得的成功。
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