Mil Mi-28 - Wikipedia
The Mil Mi-28 (NATO reporting name "Havoc") is a Soviet all-weather, day-night, military tandem, two-seat anti-armor attack helicopter. It is an attack helicopter with no intended secondary transport capability, and is better optimized than the Mil Mi-24 gunship for the role.
Mi-28攻擊直升機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Mi-28, 北约代号 “浩劫”(Havoc)。 是米爾設計局研發的縱列雙座攻擊直升機。 雖然自問世以來,綜合性能受到 俄軍 的高度肯定,然而 蘇聯解體 之後的俄軍在過去的10年間缺乏足夠的採購經費,因此無法大量購買這種攻擊直升機。 儘管如此,Mi-28多年來經常在國際間舉行的武器裝備展中出現,成為苏联末期和俄国的代表性武器装备之一。 1972年,米爾設計局開始著手設計Mi-28原型機,並於1976年開始研製和改進Mi-28原型機,此架攻擊直升機的設計思維大量吸收了美國的 …
Mil Mi-28A/N Havoc - Army Recognition
2024年12月9日 · The Mil Mi-28A/N (NATO reporting name "Havoc") is a Russian all-weather, day-night, military tandem, two-seat anti-armor attack helicopter designed and produced by Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant. It is a dedicated attack helicopter with no intended secondary transport capability, better optimized than the Mil Mi-24 gunship for the role.
Mi-28A/N Havoc Attack Helicopter - Army Technology
2000年6月11日 · Mi-28 can fly at a maximum speed of 300km/h, can fly rearwards and sideways at speeds up to 100km/h and is able to hover turn at 45° a second. The helicopter design is based on the conventional pod and boom configuration, with a tail rotor. The main rotor head has elastomeric bearings and the main rotor blades are made from composite materials.
Mi-28NM | War Thunder Wiki
The primary competitor, the Mi-28NM, represents the latest in Russian attack helicopter technology. Developed by Rostvertol, it features several improvements over its predecessor, such as advanced avionics, the N025 radar with enhanced capabilities for target detection and tracking, upgraded avionics, optics, powerplant, and weapons.
Mil Mi-28 (Havoc) - Military Factory
2023年10月3日 · The Mil Mi-28 (NATO reporting name of "Havoc") was a product of the Cold War designed as an anti-tank attack platform similar in scope and function to the American Hughes AH-64 Apache series.
2018年12月25日 · 鉴于Mi-28的全球现代化改造为Mi-28HM“夜间猎人”版本(根据北约分类 - 浩劫“掠夺者”),该直升机可能成为多年来的主要打击机器,该杂志写道 国家利益.
Harnessing the Power of the Mil Mi-28 Helicopter
2024年11月1日 · The Mil Mi-28 Helicopter is a powerful attack aircraft designed for combat durability and precision strikes. Explore its advanced weaponry, avionics, and battlefield impact. The Mi-28 serves as a versatile and survivable asset for modern military operations.
2019年12月9日 · 这款直升机是目前俄罗斯陆军最强大的一款,其技术性能基本与美国的阿帕奇武装直升机所齐平,甚至超出了不少,在国际军火市场上这款直升机一直也是阿帕奇的强劲对手,一度抢了阿帕奇的订单,但是因为相关的政治问题,美国通过自己的外交手段制止了其他国家引进这款战机。 可以说Mi-28是十分可惜的,如果没有这些问题,那么目前的Mi-28在国际上必然是要比阿帕奇畅销的很。 在机动及隐身性能等多个方面上,Mi-28要远远超过阿帕奇,一度成为美国陆 …
Mi-28 HAVOC (MIL) - aircav.com
2000年9月10日 · Basic information and diagram on how to identify the Mi-28 Havoc.