i-MiEV Electric Car History, Specs & Future - Mitsubishi Motors
See how Mitsubishi's i-MiEV Electric Car helped inspire the EV car market today, get facts about the i-MiEV's performance & learn about Mitsubishi's future.
Mitsubishi i-MiEV - Wikipedia
The Mitsubishi i-MiEV (MiEV is an acronym for Mitsubishi innovative Electric Vehicle[4]) is a five-door electric city car produced in the 2010s by Mitsubishi Motors, and is the electric version of …
MIEV - Wikipedia
MIEV (Mitsubishi In-wheel motor Electric Vehicle) or MiEV (Mitsubishi innovative Electric Vehicle) / ˈ m iː v / [1] is the name given by Japanese automaker Mitsubishi Motors (MMC) to its …
三菱i-MiEV - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
三菱i-MiEV(日语: 三菱・アイ・ミーブ )乃日本 三菱汽車於2006年10月公開、2009年6月4日正式量產製造的純電動車,同時也是全球第一輛使用鋰離子電池的量產電動車 [1] 。
Mitsubishi Electric Car & Hybrid Vehicles | Mitsubishi Motors
Discover why Mitsubishi is a leader in eco-friendly technology. From past electric cars like the i-Miev to current hybrid vehicles like the Outlander PHEV.
三菱iMiEV电动汽车 - 百度百科
三菱iMiEV电动汽车是三菱汽车旗下的电动汽车,可对应一般家庭等地方使用普通的100V/200V电源,又可在外出时利用三相200V电源在短时间内进行快速充电。 三菱汽车 对电动汽车的研究 …
Mitsubishi i-MiEV - Consumer Reports
The i-MiEV, also known just as the i, is Mitsubishi's electric car. It uses a 16-kWh lithium-ion battery that takes between six and seven hours to charge on a 240-volt, Level 2 charger, or 21...
2017 Mitsubishi i-MiEV ES Auto Features and Specs - Car and Driver
No, it’s not a larger-than-life computer mouse; it’s the i-MiEV, the least-expensive EV sold.
三菱i-MiEV - 全球百科
Mitsubishi Electric Vehicle,原名 i-MiEV(三菱 ・i 三菱 i-MiEV,MiEV 代表三菱创新 电动 汽车)是 日本 汽车制造商三菱汽车生产的电动微型车(kei-car),基于 Mitsubishi i 推出以2006 …
Mitsubishi i-MiEV - Model Years, Generations & News - Cars.com
2018年3月16日 · Research the Mitsubishi i-MiEV and learn about its generations, redesigns and notable features from each individual model year.