Byron's Mig-15 - RC Groups
2025年3月16日 · Byron's Mig-15 kit approximately 60% finished with fuel tanks and Spring Air retracts (nose gear installed). The stabs are fiberglass covered on plane and ready to paint. Pictures show details. The engine, tuned pipe and fan unit not included at the following price. If interested in fan unit, engine, and tuned pipe we can discuss it.
MiG-15 90mm composite (HK, ProEdf, ProDesign, KMP)
2008年3月5日 · 4.5Kwatt/12S powered, 90mm "Mig-15" foamy. jofro: Foamy EDFs: 33: Sep 18, 2021 02:55 AM: Build Log: HK Mig-15 90mm Comp: vettster: Electric Ducted Fan Jet Talk: 833: Jul 18, 2019 10:38 PM: Cool: NEW HK L-39 Albatros composite 90mm EDF - WHAT AN AMAZING PRICE !!! pajlotmato: Electric Ducted Fan Jet …
Official Eflite UMX Mig 15 DF Owners Thread - RC Groups
2012年6月29日 · E-flite UMX MiG 15 DF SNEAK PEEK! D PAYNE: Micro EDF Jets and Power Systems: 2376: Feb 22, 2021 11:51 PM: Discussion: UMX Mig-15 DF Mod Thread: NitroCharged: Micro EDF Jets and Power Systems: 1202: Sep 19, 2020 09:28 PM: Discussion: Hobbyking Lancaster official owners thread: Tartago: Electric Warbirds: 982: Sep …
Which is the best 1/48 MiG-15? - ARC Discussion Forums
2016年5月24日 · Since I got my Trumpeter miG-15 I overlaid it on my Tamiya kit. Here is what I observed. The vertical stab on the Tamiya is slightly more but the wing sweep on the Tamiya is substantially less. Both the leading and trailing edges. I think I am willing to live with the fault of the Trumpeter more comfortably. I hate to admit it.
Hobbyking 70mm EDF Mig-15 with Flaps, electric retracts and …
2011年6月3日 · NIB Exceed RC 70mm Mig 15 w/electric retracts. Local pick-up, LA Cali. T-CAT: Electric RC Jets (FS/W) 3: May 04, 2011 03:23 AM: Discussion: new:4/15/2011Fiberglas hobbyking Kits: F22 dual 70mm Kit & 90mm MIG: texbird: Electric Ducted Fan Jet Talk: 0: Apr 15, 2011 11:27 AM: Sold: Exceed RC Mig 15 70mm EDF jet Kit (local pick-up SoCal) T-CAT ...
Mig 15 - RC Groups
2024年1月5日 · Mig 15. This is a Great flying MiG Last edited by jefffassbinder; Feb 02, 2024 at 08:31 PM ...
Freewing 64mm Mig 15 - RC Groups
2013年2月18日 · Just finished up a new 64mm Freewing Mig 15 from Value Hobby. Graeat supplier to do business with, I have had nothing but pleasant experiences with them, good prices, fair shipping and fast! I found a number of areas on this Mig I wanted to change. Here is the list; 1) I used all Dubro control horns and EZ Connectors.
Byron MiG-15 Kit - RC Groups
2012年4月17日 · Airframe specs are ~57" span, and a length of ~58". The kit hardware bags are still factory sealed, all the parts are there. Flawless FG fuse, free of stress-cracks and blemishes. If you want to sport-fly a big MiG-15, and you want to do it for less than two grand (and you don't want it made of foam)...this is it.
RBC Kits MIG 15 for EDF - RC Groups
2017年6月8日 · RBC Kits MIG 15 for EDF With the onset of winter here, I have as has been my habit of recent years abandoned my tin shed workshop for the warmth of the great indoors. This means it's time to build a smaller model.
MiG-15, 12 piece FFF construction, quick build, fast, fun!, VIDEO …
2010年7月21日 · Just finished a MiG-15 in foam. I usually post to the pusher jet forum, but this one is has a tractor setup. Really simple and quick build with a low part count. I had 'er up and flying in a couple of days. A couple 16 oz. foam cups would have sped things up a bit developing the conic sections fore and aft. Here are the specs: BP 2213-12 motor