Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17 - Wikipedia
The MiG-17 was an advanced modification of the MiG-15 aircraft produced by the Soviet Union during the Korean War. Production of the MiG-17 was too late for use in that conflict and was first used in the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis in 1958.
Aircraft Data N69PP, 1975 Sheng Yang JJ-5 (MIG-17-UTI) C/N 1327
Everything you need to know about N69PP (1975 Sheng Yang JJ-5 (MIG-17-UTI) C/N 1327) including aircraft data, history and photos
Aerial Visuals - Airframe Dossier - Mikoyan Gurevich-Shenyang JJ …
Constructed as a JJ-5 by Shenyang at China. Taken on Strength/Charge with the Peoples Liberation Army Air Force with s/n 1327. Notes: At Chino Airport, Chino, CA. To Franks Peter, Angel Fire, NM with new c/r N69PP. Certificate of airworthiness for NX69PP (JJ-5 (MIG-17-UTI), 1327) issued. Based at Ellington Field, Houston, TX.
Aircraft Inquiry - FAA REGISTRY
The duration of aircraft registration certificates has been extended up to 7 years. The Registry will be issuing revised certificates in batches based on the former expiration date.
Chengdu JJ-5, Chinese copy of the MIG-17-UTI at Phoenix-Mesa ... - Reddit
2023年6月1日 · There was no MiG-17UTI though. The JJ-5 is a chinese development. They grafted a MiG-15UTI cockpit/canopy on their license-built MiG-17, the J-5, and made a few other changes. The soviets and WarPac countries kept the MiG-15UTI for training MiG-17 pilots.
Aircraft Inquiry - FAA REGISTRY
JJ-5 (MIG-17-UTI) Expiration Date: 01/31/2030: Type Aircraft: Fixed Wing Single-Engine: Type Engine: Turbo-jet: Pending Number Change: None: Dealer: No: Date Change Authorized: None: Mode S Code (base 8 / Oct) 52224660: MFR Year: None: Mode S Code (Base 16 / Hex) A929B0: Type Registration: Individual: Fractional Owner: NO :
FT-5/MiG-17 UTI | May day may day.....im declaring an emerge
2006年7月31日 · FT-5/MiG-17 UTI May day may day.....im declaring an emergency.....engine on fire....hidraulic failure....im preparing for dead stick landing.....copy that eagle 07 u are free to land runway 34 wind from 30 at 12 km/hour
- 查看次数: 1137
Mikoyan Gurevich MiG 15 / 17 - Zona Militar
2009年2月20日 · MiG-15 UTI: un cañón simple de 23mm con 80 municiones o 12,7mm UBK-E con 150 municiones bajo el lado izquierdo, además de las mismas opciones bajo alas. TRIPULACIÓN: MiG-15 y MiG-15bis: 1.
List of SHENG YANG JJ-5 (MIG-17-UTI) Aircraft
List of all SHENG YANG JJ-5 (MIG-17-UTI) aircraft in the United States, including tail numbers and registration information.
MiG-17 Fresco | Légibázis - legibazis.hu
A MiG–17 teljesen fémépítésű, duralumíniumból készült középszárnyas, egyhajtóműves repülőgép. Szárnyai nyilazottak, belső része trapéz alakú. Mindkét szárnyon áramlásterelő lapok.