Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-3 - Wikipedia
The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-3 (Russian: Микоян и Гуревич МиГ-3) is a Soviet fighter-interceptor used during World War II. It was a development of the MiG-1 by the OKO (opytno-konstruktorskij otdel — Experimental Design Department) of Zavod (Factory) No. 1 in Moscow to remedy problems found during the MiG-1's development and ...
米格-3战斗机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
米高扬-格列维奇 米格-3 (Микоян и Гуревич МиГ -3)战斗机是 苏联 在 二战 中使用的一种单座 活塞 式 攔截機。 该机由当时从属于第一国家飞机工厂的米高扬-格列维奇实验设计局设计,設計目標是解決 米格-1戰鬥機 測試時所得知的問題;MIG-3設計目標是為了進行高空空戰,但是蘇聯戰場的特性讓它鮮少發揮所長;在二戰尚未結束前,MIG-3便因性能不足退役。
米格-3战斗机 - 百度百科
米格-3战斗机(英文:MiG-3 Fighter,通称/惯称:Mikoyan MiG-3,俄文:Микоян МиГ-3),是20世纪40年代初期苏联研制装备的一种单座战斗机。 米格-3战斗机采用常规气动布局,下单翼单座后三点式起落架,装备一台992千瓦水冷活塞发动机,安装1挺UBS型12.7毫米机枪 ...
俄罗斯军事-米格系列飞机图册 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
米格-3战斗机是苏德战争爆发时苏军唯一大量装备的新式战斗机 。 米格-5是一种单座双发远程战斗机,于1942年首航,翼展15.90米,机长11.50米,机高3.40米,机翼面积38.90平方米,最大起飞重量达到8060公斤,空重为6540公斤,使用两台1700马力的ASH-82F十四气门星形发动机,装备两门23毫米机炮和两挺12.7毫米机枪,并且破天荒地装备了雷达,主要用作远程轰炸机的护航。 在试飞中达到了610公里/小时的最大平飞速度,实用升限9800米,最大航程2800公里。 尽管这 …
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-3 - Military Aviation Museum
The Mikoyen-Gurevich MiG-3 was created to tackle the Luftwaffe and its bombers at high-altitude, but the nature of combat along the Eastern Front often meant that this diminutive fighter had to operate outside of its original design parameters.
MiG3 – Soviet high-altitude fighter - Real History Online
2021年3月12日 · The MiG-3 is a high-speed fighter-interceptor, but can be used as an attack aircraft or light dive bomber. The aircraft is a single-engine, single-seat, high-speed monoplane with a low wing. Installed in-line liquid-cooled motor AM-35A with a VISH-22E propeller. The chassis is two-post, with a tail crutch, retracted in flight.
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-3: High-Altitude Interceptor of the USSR
The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-3 was the USSR's high-altitude interceptor. Its inception in the late 1930s marked a significant moment in Soviet air defense strategy, boasting a blend of agility and power rarely seen at high altitudes.
MiG-3 - War History
2015年3月2日 · MiG-3s were delivered to front-line fighter regiments beginning in the spring of 1941 and proved to be a handful for pilots accustomed to the lower-performance and docile Polikarpov I-152 and I-153 biplanes and the Polikarpov I-16 monoplane.
MiG-3 Fighter | World War II Database - WW2DB
MiG-3 fighters were the result of the attempt to rid the MiG-1 design of its inherent handling problems. The first of the new aircraft, with longer nose and doubled wing dihedral, rolled off the production lines by Mar 1941. By the time Germany turned on the Soviet Union in Jun 1942, over 1,200 were in service.
米格-3战斗机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年9月2日 · 米高扬-格列维奇 米格-3 (Микоян и Гуревич МиГ -3)战斗机是 苏联 在 二战 中使用的一种单座 活塞 式 拦截机。 该机由当时从属于第一国家飞机工厂的米高扬-格列维奇实验设计局设计,设计目标是解决 米格-1战斗机 测试时所得知的问题;MIG-3设计目标是为了进行高空空战,但是苏联战场的特性让它鲜少发挥所长;在二战尚未结束前,MIG-3便因性能不足退役。