Hu Miao - ORNL
Hu Miao is a photon and electron spectroscopist working in the field of correlated and topological quantum materials. Dr. Miao received his PhD degree in 2015. He then moved to Brookhaven National Lab as postdoctoral research associate until he took his current position at Oak Ridge National Lab in 2019.
Hu Miao - Google Scholar
Hu Miao. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Verified email at ornl.gov - Homepage. Superconductivity strongly correlated electron systems topological states. ... H Miao, R Fumagalli, M Rossi, J Lorenzana, G Seibold, F Yakhou-Harris, ... Physical Review X …
Miao Hu | The Shidler College of Business
Professor of the Semester Award (Undergraduate Electives), Shidler College of Business, Fall 2016. AMA National Top 25 Chapters Award (role of faculty advisor), 2016; 2017.
Miao Hu, Derek D. Rucker, and Jie Chen, “Cultured Materialism: The Culturally Bound Link Between Materialism and Subjective Well-Being,” Association for Consumer Research conference , Chicago, Illinois, October 2013 .
Miao Hu - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 31 (10), 4107 …
Miao Hu - Binghamton University
In 2017 fall, Miao Hu joint Binghamton University and works as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He continues his research on exploring ultra-low power computing via Non-von Neumann hybrid VLSI systems, and extends to intertwined fields including machine learning software/hardware co-design, low ...
Miao Hu - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
Miao Hu. KAUST. 在 kaust.edu.sa 的电子邮件经过验证 ... M Hu, A Yan, Q Cui, F Huang, D Li, F Li, J Huang, Y Qiang. Journal of Materials Science 55, 4265-4278, 2020. 11: 2020: Optimizing the reaction pathway of methane photo-oxidation over single copper sites.
Miao Hu | IEEE Xplore Author Details
Miao Hu (Member, IEEE) received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in communication engineering from Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, in 2011 and 2017, respectively. He is currently an Associate Professor with the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China.
Hu MIAO | Researcher | PhD | Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN
Hu Miao The combination of non-trivial band topology and symmetry breaking phases gives rise to novel quantum states and phenomena such as topological superconductivity, quantum anomalous...
Miao Hu - Google Scholar
Miao Hu. TetraMem Inc. Verified email at tetramem.com. memristor RRAM cognitive computing low power computing in memory computing. Articles Cited by Public access Co-authors. Title. ... M Hu, CE Graves, C Li, Y Li, N Ge, E Montgomery, N Davila, H Jiang, ... Advanced Materials 30 (9), 1705914, 2018. 796:
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