Michell 1870 – We Are Wool
Michell is Australia’s oldest and largest exporter of Australian Wool fibre and has been associated with the international wool textile industry for more than 150 years. From the Global …
About Us – Michell 1870
Michell is Australia’s oldest and largest exporter of Australian Wool fibre and has been associated with the International wool textile industry for more than 150 years. From the Global …
Mitchell Wool Co
Providing a resource to sell their fleeces for equitable rates. This will keep American wool on US shores, in US mills. In the hands of American Knitters. This is knowing where your family farm …
Locations - Michell 1870
Michell Head Office, Factory and Wool Store: Adelaide, SA. 1506 Main North Road, Salisbury. 1300 470 655
Michell Wool - LinkedIn
Michell is Australia’s oldest and largest exporter of Australian Wool fibre and has been associated with the International wool textile industry for more than 150 years.
Michell Group of Companies - Wikipedia
G. H. Michell and Sons was an Australian wool processing and broking company based in Hindmarsh, South Australia, relocated to Salisbury, South Australia and with a change in …
Home - Eqwools
eqwools™ uses short staple spinning, one of the most common fibre spinning systems in the world. eqwools™ to everyone, everywhere. Into every type of textile. Limitless uses into …
Michell Wool Pty Ltd | 领英 - 领英 (中国)
Michell is Australia’s oldest and largest exporter of Australian Wool fibre and has been associated with the International wool textile industry for more than 150 years. From the Global...
Michell Wool is renowned as a consistent, reliable supplier and processor of quality wool fibre, supplying the world with millions of kilos of raw and processed wool annually. Since 2004, …
History – Michell 1870
George Henry Michell started a business stripping wool, buying the sheepskins from farmers in the surrounding areas. Water was diverted from the river to a series of vats in which the wool …