Micro Seiki/Luxman TA-1 tonearm - theartofsound.net
2019年1月3日 · For sale TA-1 tonearm taken off a Luxman turntable. Apparently these were made for Luxman by Micro Seiki. In very good condition with smooth, tight bearings and bright …
Luxman TA-1 tonearm. Good or waste? - Vinyl Engine
2006年11月17日 · Manual is an overstatement, it's a double sided A4 sized piece of paper but I found it useful. One question I hope someone can answer: I noticed a screw underneath the …
Luxman / Micro Seiki TA1 TA-1 Tonearm - Canuck Audio Mart
2019年12月18日 · Static balance design tone arm. Excellent condition for its age (1980 - 82). This was originally on a Luxman PD277 turntable and used on my Micro Seiki DDX-1000 for the …
Micro Seiki TA-1 (German)
2023年3月22日 · Der TA-1 ist ein statisch ausbalancierter Tonarm mit einer Gesamtlänge von 294 mm, einer effektiven Länge von 240 mm und einem Überhang von 15 mm. Azimut und VTA im …
Luxman TA-1 - Vinyl Engine
Luxman TA-1 owners manual, service manuals and schematics are for reference only and the Vinyl Engine bears no responsibility for errors or other inaccuracies. Reproduction without …
- 评论数: 1
Luxman - PD-272 - 搭配 Micro Seiki TA1 唱臂 - Catawiki
Luxman PD272 是一款使用直流伺服馬達直接驅動系統的兩速手排轉盤。 完全去除槽,以消除電磁引起的旋轉不均勻,並且還提供高慣量轉盤,轉盤配重的大質量分佈在外輪廓周圍。 唱臂採 …
- 评论数: 42
钛合金TA1, TA2, TA3, TC4有什么区别啊? - 百度知道
2024年2月29日 · TA1:TA1是一种纯钛合金,其纯度较高,杂质元素(如氧、氮、氢等)含量较低。 这种高纯度使得TA1具有一些独特的性能优势。 TA2:虽然TA2同样属于钛合金,但其杂质 …
Luxman/Micro Seiki TA-1 Tonearm superb w/h... For Sale
2016年7月15日 · VINTAGE Luxman TA-1 Tonearm, which was made for Luxman by Micro Seiki. I am selling off the estate of a long time audiophile and this is one of his gem arms. I have had …
Effect of strain rate on microscale formability and microstructural ...
2021年6月10日 · The investigation provides an in-depth understanding on the deformation mechanism of ultrathin miniaturized TA1 foil and promotes the application for improvement the …
Talking Tonearms - Jelco SA250S/TR-800S or Sorane TA-1
2024年1月13日 · Option 1 is the Transrotor TR-800S, which I understand to be a rebadged Jelco SA250S which was tweaked by Transrotor. This would be the most cost-efficient tonearm …