Microcircuits in visual cortex - ScienceDirect
Aug 1, 2002 · A cross-correlation study of connections between layer 4 and layer 3 in the cat visual cortex. The authors show that γ-amino butyric acid (GABA)-inactivation of the A-layer in the lateral geniculate nucleus silences connected neurons both in the thalamus and in the cortex. Their results directly contradict earlier findings of Malpeli et al.
A detailed theory of thalamic and cortical microcircuits for
Feb 5, 2025 · Here, we derive a detailed and functional model of cortical microcircuits based on message-passing inference in recursive cortical networks (RCN), a generative model for vision (10).
Towards a “canonical” agranular cortical microcircuit - PMC
Jan 14, 2015 · Thus, our study of agranular microcircuitry revealed deviations from the well-known “canonical” microcircuit established for striate cortex, suggesting variations in the intrinsic circuitry across the cortex that may be functionally relevant.
Cortical Microcircuits: Neuron - Cell Press
Sep 26, 2002 · These neurons, which can be visualized with antibodies to calbindin, are organized in a repeating columnar fashion in human and monkey cortex (see Figure 4), but this structure is absent in rodent cortex. DeFelipe summarized the tension between diversity and commonality, nicely noting it as follows:
Canonical microcircuits for predictive coding - PMC - PubMed …
Specifically, we conciliate quantitative studies of microcircuitry and the functional logic of neuronal computations. We revisit the established idea that message passing among hierarchical cortical areas implements a form of Bayesian inference – paying careful attention to the implications for intrinsic connections among neuronal populations.
Towards a “canonical” agranular cortical microcircuit
Jan 13, 2015 · Thus, our study of agranular microcircuitry revealed deviations from the well-known “canonical” microcircuit established for striate cortex, suggesting variations in the intrinsic circuitry across the cortex that may be functionally relevant. The cerebral cortex is arguably one of the most complex physical systems.
Microcircuitry coordination of cortical motor information in self ...
Nov 8, 2009 · Juxtacellular recording enabled us to examine accurate spike events and morphological features of a single neuron in arbitrary layer of the cerebral cortex 20,21,22 and in many subcortical ...
Microcircuitry of agranular frontal cortex: contrasting laminar ...
May 15, 2015 · To characterize laminar microcircuitry within SEF, Godlove et al. (2014) recently described the visually evoked current source density (CSD) pattern of that area. They reported visually evoked current sinks in middle layers followed by sinks in superficial and deep layers.
Frontiers | The Microcircuit Concept Applied to Cortical Evolution ...
May 22, 2011 · Here we use the microcircuit concept to focus first on the principles of microcircuit organization of three-layer cortex in the olfactory cortex, hippocampus, and turtle general cortex, and compare it with six-layer neocortex.
Minding the microcircuits - Nature Neuroscience
Another issue is whether microcircuit modules in the cerebral cortex are diverse or stereotyped, and how this relates to higher cortical function.