2013年3月10日 · Montane and Long-tailed voles (Microtus montanus and Microtus longicaudus) are notoriously difficult to distinguish through external characteristics and measurements in the field, particularly among juveniles.
black-tipped guard hairs than M. montanus, which has a more buffy and grayish wash where these 2 species overlap (Hall 1981). M. montanus is distinguished from allopatric M. canicaudus (for-merly considered a geographic race of M. montanus—Hall and Kelson 1951) by a distinctive karyotype (Hsu and Johnson 1970;
Montane vole - Wikipedia
The montane vole (Microtus montanus) is a species of vole native to the western United States and Canada. [1] Montane voles are medium-sized voles, with a total length of 14 to 22 cm (5.5 to 8.7 in), including the 2 to 7 cm (0.79 to 2.76 in) tail.
Microtus - Wikipedia
Microtus is a genus of voles found in North America, Europe and northern Asia. The genus name refers to the small ears of these animals. They are stout rodents with short ears, legs and tails. They eat green vegetation such as grasses and sedges in summer, and grains, seeds, root and bark at other times. The genus is also called "meadow voles". [1]
Subspeciation in the Meadow Mouse, Microtus montanus, in …
2010年3月22日 · From Microtus montanus fusus Hall, the subspecies to the south, M. m. nanus from Idaho differs as follows: averages smaller; slightly darker and less reddish and less yellowish in color; slightly wider braincase (see measurement of prelambdoidal breadth); larger bullae.
Microtus sp.—Voles - The University of Texas at El Paso
2016年1月7日 · Microtus montanus (Peale 1848)—Montane Vole The Montane Vole occurs now in northern New Mexico and farther north, with small populations in the San Francisco River drainage in west central New Mexico; it also occurs in the higher elevations in …
Microtus montanus amosus Hall and Hayward, subsp. nov. Type: Female, adult, skin and skull; no. 95272, Mus. Vert. Zool. ; Torrey, Wayne County, Utah; June 18, 1938; collected by James W. Bee; original no. 70S. Range: Fremont River drainage in south-central Utah. Diagnosis: Size large; tail long (25 to 27 per cent of total
Discrimination Between Microtus Longicaudus and Microtus Montanus …
Three external measurements (including total specimen length, tail length, and hind foot length), nine cranial measurements, and four skull characteristics were employed. A subset of the sample population (M. longicaudus, n = 5; M. montanus, n = 17) was verified with genetic methods.
Microtus montanus | Mammalian Species - Oxford Academic
2003年7月30日 · Microtus montanus Wendy E. Sera, Wendy E. Sera Biology Program, Division of Natural and Health Sciences, Seton Hill University, Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601-1599. Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic. Google Scholar. Cathleen N. Early. Cathleen N. Early
Key to the Regional Cricetid Rodents - The University of Texas at El Paso
2007年11月2日 · Left: Lower Microtus tooth (Arvicolinae), m1, anterior to left. Right: Upper Neotoma teeth (Neotominae), M1-3, anterior to left