MICV-65 - Wikipedia
MICV-65, short for Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle, 1965, was a US Army project that studied a number of armored fighting vehicles that would replace the M113 and M114 as well as take on a variety of new roles. A number of designs were studied as part of the MICV project, but none of them entered service for a variety of reasons.
XM-701 Infantry Combat Vehicle (1965), MICV-65 - tank-afv.com
The XM-701 Infantry Combat Vehicle or MICV-65 was an experimental Infantry Fighting Vehicle leading to the MICV-70 programme later better known as the M2 Bradley. It was the first step in its development.
XM723 Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle - GlobalSecurity.org
2012年2月10日 · The MICV–70 project led to a purpose-built vehicle, the XM723 MICV, armed with light cannon and a machine gun in a one-man turret, and provided with vision devices and firing ports for the...
XM-723 IFV Prototype (1976) - tank-afv.com
XM723 prototype were delivered in December 1972 and many voiced that the MICV–70 requirements needed to be toned down to a simple modification of the M113 already well combat-tested in Vietnam. New tests also of the BMP in the 1973 war even started to create doubt about the entire IFV concept.
美国XM800T装甲车,50年前的美国轻型装甲车计划产物 - 知乎
2022年3月14日 · 当时MICV-65计划在60年代后期至70年代进行,有两项参与竞标的设计,其中洛克希德的是轮式结构XM800W,FMC则提出了履带式的XM800T,XM800T在外形上看起来就像缩小版的M551“谢里登”坦克。 XM800T轻型装甲车战斗重量将近9吨,它的动力与M551轻型坦克的发动机型号一样,不过刻意将动力限制到285马力,以便获得更佳的可靠性,发动机安装在车体后部,变速箱为 艾里逊 X200。 装甲车采用履带式行走部件,主动轮在后,导引轮在前,只有4对 …
MICV XM723 - Army Guide
The pre-production XM723 developed in response to the MICV 70 requirements still equipped with the 20mm M139 automatic cannon and coaxial 7.62mm M219 MG. Production models adopted by the US Army will be equipped with the 25mm Bushmaster cannon.
【奇怪战车】XM800W - 哔哩哔哩
2024年4月21日 · XM800W是美国洛克希德公司于20世纪70年代研制的一款实验性装甲侦察车(ARSV),未进入现役。 由于M113/114装甲运兵车(APC)在实际服役中表现不佳,美军寻求替代品,开启了MICV-65(“1965年机械化步兵战斗车辆”)项目,XM800W即该项目的成果之一。 XM800W乘员3人,采用了非常规的铰接式6×6轮式底盘,铝合金制车体搭配钢制双人炮塔。 发动机后置,车体前部(油箱也在其中)通过铰链与中后部连接,并可独立于车体其它部分扭转滚 …
XM-800T tracked FMC Prototype (1972) - tank-afv.com
The development went through two major evaluation programs, MICV 65 and MICV 70. The very start of it was an attempt to upgrade the M113. The prototypes made for MICV 65, XM 734 and XM 701 and 765, alongside the M114A2, a heavily armed variant of a lighter 4-axles vehicle recalling the M113, all were evaluated but ultimately failed.
MICV-65 - 나무위키
MICV-65는 병력수송장갑차 의 임무를 맡는 것에 집중되었고, 신형 보병전투차 계획이 나오면서 MICV-65를 위한 두가지 설계안이 제시되었다. 하나는 XM701로, 퍼시픽 카 앤 파운드리 (현재 파카 Inc)에서 M109 와 M110 자주포를 기반으로 계획한 설계안이었다. 나머지 하나는 FMC 코퍼레이션에서 M113 을 기반으로 설계한 XM734였다. 최종적으로 XM701이 선정되었다. 이 외에도 정찰 임무를 위한 가벼운 차량도 요구되면서 정찰 임무는 XM800 프로젝트로 분리되었다.
MICV-65 - NamuWiki
micv-70 The failure of the XM701 stopped the MICV-65 project, but from 1968, the task force commanded by Major General George Casey requested a new armored vehicle to counter the Soviet BMP-1 as information about the Soviet BMP-1 came out .
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