Infantry fighting vehicle - Wikipedia
An infantry fighting vehicle (IFV), also known as a mechanized infantry combat vehicle (MICV), [1] is a type of armoured fighting vehicle and armoured personnel carrier used to carry infantry into battle and provide direct-fire support. [2]
XM30 Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle - Wikipedia
The XM30 Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle (MICV), formerly known as the Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle (OMFV), is a U.S. Army program to replace the M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle. MICV is one part of the Next Generation Combat Vehicle portfolio of programs.
MICV-65 - Wikipedia
MICV-65, short for Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle, 1965, was a US Army project that studied a number of armored fighting vehicles that would replace the M113 and M114 as well as take on a variety of new roles. A number of designs were studied as part of the MICV project, but none of them entered service for a variety of reasons.
XM-701 Infantry Combat Vehicle (1965), MICV-65 - tank-afv.com
The XM-701 Infantry Combat Vehicle or MICV-65 was an experimental Infantry Fighting Vehicle leading to the MICV-70 programme later better known as the M2 Bradley. It was the first step in its development.
New XM30 to Replace Aging M2 Bradley by 2027 - military.news
2024年10月28日 · The XM30 promises significant innovations for the IFV category, featuring a 50mm cannon in a remote-controlled turret, twin anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs), an AI-enabled fire control system, and a hybrid drivetrain. The vehicle will have a crew of two (driver and commander) and can transport six infantry personnel.
XM-723 IFV Prototype (1976) - tank-afv.com
The development of the first US Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) started at the near start of the Vietnam war and went up until 1980 when the XM-2 was standardized at the M2 Bradley. The development started with the MICV 65 and evolved after …
有前景的 XM30 IFV 亮相,将取代 M2 Bradley - 网易
2023年11月14日 · XM30 机械化步兵战车 (MICV) 以前称为可选载人战车 (OMFV),是美国陆军的一项计划,旨在制造一种有前景的装甲车来取代 M2 布莱德利 IFV。 该程序已进入原型阶段。 M2 布莱德利 IFV. 2023年6月,陆军选择的美国莱茵金属车辆公司和通用动力陆地系统公司在竞争中取得领先。 这两支团队现在将进入该计划的下一阶段,并分摊 16 亿美元的开发基金,各开发总共 11 台原型车,其中 7 台将获得合同,并可选择另外 4 台。 在该计划的这一阶段,他们还将开发 …
美國陸軍:公布新一代XM30機械化步兵戰車(MICV)視覺慨念設計- …
2023年11月25日 · 美國陸軍日前公布新一代XM30機械化步兵戰車Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle (MICV)視覺慨念設計,這也稱為步兵戰車(IFV),其中源自於可選載人戰鬥車 輛(OMFV)計畫,能夠在有或沒有乘員情況下執行任務,強調通用性和遠端控制戰場資產戰略轉變,另外還包括實現先 …
XM-800T tracked FMC Prototype (1972) - tank-afv.com
The development went through two major evaluation programs, MICV 65 and MICV 70. The very start of it was an attempt to upgrade the M113. The prototypes made for MICV 65, XM 734 and XM 701 and 765, alongside the M114A2, a heavily armed variant of a lighter 4-axles vehicle recalling the M113, all were evaluated but ultimately failed.
Army Guide - Infantry Fighting Vehicle
An infantry fighting vehicle (IFV, also known as mechanized infantry combat vehicle, MICV) is a type of armoured fighting vehicle (AFV) used to carry infantry into battle and provide fire support for them. IFVs are similar to armoured personnel carriers (APCs), designed to transport five to ten infantrymen and their equipment.