变异蜘蛛 - 以撒的结合中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科 …
变异蜘蛛 (Mutant Spider) 是一个 重生 中加入的 道具。 多个变异蜘蛛效果不叠加。 角色同时发射4颗泪弹。 皆不会叠加,只会计算一次。 拥有 内眼 、 变异蜘蛛 、 完美视力 或它们的组合时,会同时发射多颗泪弹。 具体的泪弹数量为3× 内眼 个数+4× 变异蜘蛛 个数+2× 完美视力 个数,上限为16颗。 例如:同时拥有1个内眼与1个变异蜘蛛,角色一次会同时发射7颗泪弹。 具体的泪弹数量为1× 内眼 个数+2× 变异蜘蛛 个数+1× 完美视力 个数+2,上限为16颗。 (在只有完美 …
Mutant Spider - Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Wiki
Mutant Spider is a special item. The maximum number of tears per volley that can be reached by combining and/or duplicating 20/20, The Inner Eye, Mutant Spider and The Wiz is 16, or 20 with the Keeper. 20/20: Shoots 6 tears. Removes the fire rate penalty while reducing damage to 80%.
蜘蛛宝宝! - 以撒的结合中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络 …
在一局游戏中,拾取3个标签“ 蜘蛛 ”的物品,即可获得 蜘蛛宝宝! 角色有概率发射减速泪弹。 射速下降,角色每次发射4颗泪弹。 生成一个自动踩踏敌人的跟班。 使用后,对房间中的所有敌人造成伤害并减速。 角色受到伤害时,生成蓝蜘蛛。 角色消灭敌人时会生成蓝蜘蛛。 苍蝇蜘蛛累跟班的尺寸增大并得到强化。 生成一个分泌粘液使敌人减速并生成蓝蜘蛛的跟班。 生成一个生成蓝蜘蛛的跟班,跟班接触到敌人时将其魅惑。 使用后,生成蓝蜘蛛。 炸弹+5,炸弹消灭敌人会生 …
Mutant Spider - The Binding of Isaac - IsaacGuru
Isaac fires a spread of 4 tears at the same time. This item contributes towards the Spider Baby transformation. Collecting 3 items from this set will spawn a spider familiar that applies random status effects when it comes in contact with enemies. This page shows updated information about all items in the new Repentance+ (Online Co-op) DLC.
4+3+2 shot seed :: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth General Discussions
2016年9月11日 · Mutant Spider is in depths 1, in a corner-y double room. It has sacred cross at first, so you'll have to make one change. Inner Eye is in depths 1 as well, in the treasure room.
20/20, Mutant Spider, and Inner Eye question : r/bindingofisaac - Reddit
2017年4月17日 · Mutant Spider is the superior option because the Tears down is the same as Inner Eye, but you get an extra shot. These values also account for Isaac at his base stats. The lower your tear delay gets, the better these items can become.
Mutant Spider - The Official Binding of Steve Wiki
Mutant Spider is a Special passive item. Isaac fires a spread of four tears at once. Azazel: Fires four short ranged brimstone beams that overlap. Significant increase in tear delay. Template:I: Isaac fires four lasers at once at the cost of a severely increased charge time. The Forgotten: Quadruples bones thrown and swung.
Mutant Spider - The Binding of Isaac Wiki | MinMax
Isaac fires a spread of four tears at once. This item belongs to the Spider Baby set. Collecting three items from this set will transform Isaac into a humanoid spider. Doctor's Remote - Replaces the single missile strike with a barrage of four consecutive missiles.
Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth Item Guide - Mutant Spider - YouTube
Binding of Isaac: Rebirth - Item guide series This episode gives you the guide to Mutant Spider.
Daily Item Discussion #054 - Mutant Spider - 2015/01/20
2015年1月20日 · Today's item is - Mutant Spider Flavour text: 'Quad shot' Item Effect: Grants a quadruple shot Tears down: (Delay * 2.1) + 3 Wiki page - http://bindingofisaacrebirth.gamepedia.com/Mutant_Spider. Item Pools: Item Room
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