midis2jam2 is a 3D MIDI file visualizer. It plays any MIDI file and animates its performance with a virtual band. A remaster of MIDIJam, it provides a faithful recreation of the original MIDI file visualizer with new instruments, graphics, and settings.
Frequently asked questions - midis2jam2
midis2jam2 is a remaster of MIDIJam, a 3D MIDI file visualizer. That means it plays MIDI files and animates their performance with a virtual band. Each MIDI track controls each instrument in the band.
Creating a new instrument - midis2jam2
Write logic to drive animation procedurally from MIDI data. Creating assets. First, create assets for the instrument. This includes the 3D model and texture. 3D Model. It might be necessary to export the 3D model in pieces for separate animation of individual components in the code.
Settings - midis2jam2
When turned on, lyrics display on-screen if the MIDI file has them. Tweaks. Configure tweaks for the app. Never hide instruments. When turned on, the instruments won't disappear when not playing for a long time.
MIDI Device Configuration - midis2jam2
MIDI Device Configuration. On this screen, you can configure the MIDI device used to play MIDI files. Send specification reset message. Enabled this option to send a MIDI specification reset message to the MIDI device. The message is sent when a song begins. When enabled, select the desired specification reset message from the dropdown.
Playlist - midis2jam2
The playlist allows you to build a list of MIDI files to play in sequence. Begin by clicking the Add to playlist button to select one more MIDI files. To reorder the playlist, click and drag the MIDI file's name to a new position.
Background configuration - midis2jam2
Background configuration. Configure the background color or image. There are four configuration options. Default. The default background is a dark, checkered pattern.
Feedback - midis2jam2
MIDI Device Configuration Playback controls Soundbank configuration Synthesizer Screens Screens Home Playlist Search Settings About Development Development Building from source Contributing Architecture Creating a new instrument Feedback. A solo developer develops midis2jam2 in his spare time, while not in class or working. ...
Contributing - midis2jam2
MIDI Device Configuration Playback controls Soundbank configuration Synthesizer Screens Screens Home Playlist Search Settings About Development Development Building from source Contributing Contributing Table of contents Commit and push changes Open pull request ...
Graphics configuration - midis2jam2
Graphics configuration. Configure the graphics settings. Window resolution. The window resolution controls the size of the performance screen window.