Sukhoi Su-24 - Wikipedia
Su-24M ('Fencer-D') Work on upgrading the Su-24 started in 1971, and included the addition of inflight refueling and expansion of attack capabilities with even more payload options. T-6M-8 prototype first flew on 29 June 1977, and the first production Su-24M flew on 20 June 1979.
米-24武装直升机 - 百度百科
米-24武装直升机(俄文:Миль Ми-24,英语:Mil Mi-24,北约代号:Hind,译文:雌鹿/母鹿),是苏联一型双发单旋翼中型多用途 武装直升机,是苏联的第一种专用武装直升机 [1]。 米-24武装直升机主要用于为己方部队开辟前进通道,清除防空火力和各种障碍,担负护航任务,还可以载8-10名士兵,由于在高原飞行时速度很快,会使得坠落事件发生可能性增大,并且自身目标大,很容易被敌军防空武器击落 [1]。
Su-24戰鬥轟炸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Mil Mi-24 - Wikipedia
The Mil Mi-24 (Russian: Миль Ми-24; NATO reporting name: Hind) is a large helicopter gunship, attack helicopter and low-capacity troop transport with room for eight passengers. [1] . It is produced by Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant and was introduced by the Soviet Air Force in 1972. The helicopter is currently in use by 58 countries.
俄罗斯空军装备志------苏-24战斗轰炸机 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Su-24M Fencer Bomber - Airforce Technology
2021年2月1日 · The Su-24M front-line bomber is designed to penetrate hostile territory and destroy ground and surface targets in any weather conditions, by day and night. Variants of the Su-24 have also been produced, designed for reconnaissance and electronic countermeasures.
Sukhoi Su-24 'FENCER' - MILAVIA
2014年5月15日 · The most important bomber variant of the Su-24 was the Su-24M. Also known as Fencer-D by NATO designation, this upgraded Su-24 is equipped with more advanced systems. It features an advanced nav/attack targeting system which combined with the Kaira-24 laser ranger/designator enables the use of laser-guided and TV-guided weapons.
Su-24 FENCER (SUKHOI) - GlobalSecurity.org
Designed from the outset as an all-weather, low-level attack aircraft, the Sukhoi Su-24 'Fencer' bears a resemblance to the American F-111, altough the Soviet jet is somewhat smaller.
Su-24 FENCER (SUKHOI) - GlobalSecurity.org
2015年11月28日 · Crew: 2 people Length: 24.594 m (with LDPE) scope of the wing: at an angle of sweep = 16 ° 17,638 m at an angle of sweep = 69 ° 10,366 m Height
Sukhoi Su-24 "Fencer" - AirVectors
A generally updated PNS-24M Tiger nav-attack system, with new IRS, radio altimeter, central processor, radio-navigation systems, and autopilot.