Mikoyan MiG-27 - Wikipedia
The Mikoyan MiG-27 (Russian: Микоян МиГ-27; NATO reporting name: Flogger-D/J) is a variable-sweep ground-attack aircraft, originally built by the Mikoyan-Gurevich design bureau …
米格-27攻擊機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
米格-27 (俄语: МиГ-27)是 蘇聯 米高揚設計局 以 米格-23戰鬥機 的基礎上發展出來的 戰鬥轟炸機, 北約代號 鞭笞者-D/H/J (Flogger-D/H/J)[1]。 1960年代,蘇聯空軍亟於尋找可以取代當 …
米格-27攻击机 - 百度百科
米格-27攻击机(俄文:МиГ-27,英文:MiG-27,原称:米格-23B/Б,惯称:米高扬米格-27),是苏联/俄罗斯一型单座单发可变后掠翼战斗攻击机/战术轰炸机。 米格-27攻击机以 米 …
米格-27攻擊機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
米格-27 (俄语: МиГ-27)是 蘇聯 米高揚設計局 以 米格-23戰鬥機 的基礎上發展出來的 戰鬥轟炸機, 北約代號 鞭笞者-D/H/J (Flogger-D/H/J)[1]。 1960年代,蘇聯空軍亟於尋找可以取代當 …
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-27 - Aero Corner
The MiG-27 was originally developed and produced by the Russian aircraft manufacturer Mikoyan-Gurevich before it was license-produced by the Indian Hindustan Aeronautics with …
Mikoyan MiG-27 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Mikoyan MiG-27 (Russian: Микоян МиГ-27) (NATO reporting name " Flogger-D/J ") is a variable-geometry ground-attack aircraft, originally built by the Mikoyan design bureau in the …
Mikoyan MiG-27 (Flogger) Swing-Wing Ground Attack Aircraft
2021年7月22日 · MiG-27D (Flogger-D) - Nuclear Strike Model; fitted with PSBN-6S nav-attack system for use with specialized nuclear-tipped weaponry; production from 1973 to 1977; 560 …
Mikoyan Gurevich - MiG-27 Technical data - Ultimate Specs
Ground attack version based on the MiG-23. Maximum external load: 4,000 kg (8,820 lbs). - 221 nautical miles (254 miles, 409 km) with 2 ATG. Maximum speed at 8,000 meters (26,247 feet) …
装备分析—被机炮耽误的传奇——米格27对地攻击机 - 知乎
为米格-27选择合适的机炮也是一个难题,由于苏联空军希望该机能够击穿美制M1坦克的顶部装甲,这使得原先为空战设计的双管23毫米机炮无法胜任,而30毫米机炮也只是解决了有无问 …
MiG-27 FLOGGER / Q-6 - GlobalSecurity.org
The MiG-27M was developed and combat capabilities of the earlier MiG-27s were upgraded to the MiG-27D aircraft. The re-equipment started in 1982 at the Ulan-Ude and the Irkutsk Aircraft...