Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25 - Wikipedia
The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25 (Russian: Микоян и Гуревич МиГ-25; NATO reporting name: Foxbat) is a supersonic interceptor and reconnaissance aircraft that is among the fastest military aircraft to enter service. Designed by the Soviet Union's Mikoyan-Gurevich bureau, it is an aircraft built primarily using stainless steel
MiG-25 "Foxbat" Technical Data. - Fly MiG
The MiG-25 is designed only for high-altitude fight and has correspondingly terrible low-level performance and dogfighting characteristics. Although reconnaissance and defense suppression variants of the MiG-25 were developed, the aircraft's range of …
米格-25战斗机 - 百度百科
米格-25战斗机(英文:MiG-25 Fighter [2],俄文:МиГ-25 [1],北约代号:“Foxbat”,代号译文:狐蝠)是苏联研制装备的一型高空高速截击战斗机。 米格-25战斗机大量采用了不锈钢结构,在设计上强调高空高速性能,曾打破多项飞行速度和飞行高度世界纪录,是世界上闯过“热障”(2.5马赫)仅有的三种有人驾驶飞机之一(另两种是美国 SR-71侦察机 和苏联 米格-31战斗机),也是世界上第一种突破3马赫的高空高速战斗机 [3]。 米格-25战斗机于20世纪60年代末期由苏联 米高 …
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25 'FOXBAT' - MILAVIA
2014年5月14日 · The MiG-25 holds the record for the fastest production fighter aircraft ever built. It has two powerful afterburning turbofans each capable of delivering 110 kN (24,700 lb) of thrust. It is equipped with a simple but very powerful radar for long range missile guidance. The MiG-25 relies on ground control radars for guidance to the target.
Cockpit - Interceptors are single-seat and equipped w/a KM-1 ejection seat w/zero height/93 mph (150 km/h) capability. It is assumed that the trainer derivative is similarly equipped. On the single-seat aircraft, the single-piece canopy is hinged to the right. The windscreen is a three-piece design primarily of glass.
MiG-25 (航空機) - Wikipedia
MiG-25 (ロシア語: МиГ-25) は、 ソビエト連邦 の ミグ設計局 が 国土防空軍 向けに開発した マッハ 3 級の航空機。 迎撃戦闘機 型と 偵察機 型、 敵防空網制圧 型および 練習機 型がある。 北大西洋条約機構 (NATO) がつけた NATOコードネーム は フォックスバット (Foxbat) である。 なお、当時の冷戦構造の下では西側諸国が入手できた旧ソ連の情報は限られていたため、トゥシノ航空ショーで存在が初公表されてからしばらくの間、この機体はMiG-23にあたるのではな …
Indian Air Force MiG-25s - October 1990 - Flickr
1990年12月10日 · The Indian Air Force performed a 10-ship formation in mid-October 1990 containing the 10 different combat jets in service at the time and flew three MiG-25 from their home base Bareilly to Adampur Air Force station close to the Pakistan border for one of them to participate in this 10-ship formation!
MiG-25 FOXBAT (MIKOYAN-GUREVICH) - Russia / Soviet Nuclear …
mig-25 foxbat (mikoyan-gurevich) The Foxbat is a high-performance, high-altitude interceptor. There are several versions of this aircraft: A--basic interceptor; B--reconnaissance; C--two-seat trainer; D--reconnaissance with a modified radar; and E.
Micojan MiG-25U/PU, Condor 72014 (2006) - Scalemates
Condor model kit in scale 1:72, 72014 is a rebox released in 2006 | Contents, Previews, Reviews, History + Marketplace | Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25 Foxbat
Aerospaceweb.org | Aircraft Museum - MiG-25 'Foxbat'
The MiG-25 is designed only for high-altitude flight and has correspondingly terrible low-level performance and dogfighting characteristics. Although reconnaissance and defense suppression variants of the MiG-25 were developed, the aircraft's range of …