Mikoyan MiG-33 - Wikipedia
The designation MiG-33 has been associated with two different Mikoyan fighter designs. It was first employed for a single-engine, lightweight strike fighter similar in capabilities to the General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon .
米格-33 - 百度百科
米格-33(Mig-33),实为米格-29M,是在米格-29基础上经全面现代化改进而成的新型多用途歼击机。 米格-33是前苏联计划参照F-16设计思想研发的单发轻型战斗机,由于前苏联电子技术落后,无法在单发轻型战机安装足够的作战设备,以实现现代作战所需的超视距 ...
List of Mikoyan and MiG aircraft - Wikipedia
MiG I-222 (3A) - I-221 with an AM-39B-1 turbo-supercharged engine and other changes, 1943; production version would have been designated MiG-7 (not to be confused with the MiG-3 variant of the same name)
米格-33:設計特點,結構特點,翼身融合體,武器裝備,對比米格29,改進 …
米格-33(Mig-33),實為米格-29M,是在米格-29基礎上經全面現代化改進而成的新型多用途殲擊機。 米格-33是 前蘇聯 計畫參照 F-16 設計思想研發的單發輕型戰鬥機,由於前蘇聯 電子技術 落後,無法在單發輕型戰機安裝足夠的作戰設備,以實現現代作戰所需的超視 ...
米格-29M战斗机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
MiG-29M戰鬥機(俄语: Микоян МиГ-33 ;北約代號:支点-E),為MiG-29的基改良型,原稱MiG-33,為蘇聯時期米高揚設計局於1980年代中期研製。
如何评价米格-33多用途歼击机? - 知乎
米格-33有2个版本,一个是lfi——也就是后来的i.42/44一起开发的新型轻型战斗机。 该机在苏联解体时尚未完成原始设计,苏联解体开发项目被取消。 目前流出的资料来看,基本是一个单发,腹部进气。
MiG-33 FULCRUM - GlobalSecurity.org
2021年9月13日 · The MiG-33 features changes in the intakes' geometry including the removal of the upper intake louvres, enlarging inlet dimensions for higher airflow, installation of movable nets protecting...
Mikoyan MiG-33 - Aircraft Wiki
It was also known as "Project 33", and development began in 1980. It used a single Klimov RD-33 turbofan engine, which had an afterburning capability. This is the same engine as used on the MiG 29. It was cancelled in 1986 do to changing Soviet Air Force requirments, but China purchased the design and test data to aid in developing the JF-17 ...
“滚回绘图板”航空史上那些被淘汰的方案139-米格 产品“33”
产品“33”在布局上可以看作是 双发的Mig-29和单发的F-16之间的一个交集,尽管它比两者都小。 产品“33”采用常规布局,近似梯形的后掠中单翼,机翼后缘后掠角分两段,外翼段更大,大边条翼身融合体连接机身和机翼尾翼,拥有单垂尾和两个腹鳍,气动面布局 ...
Mikoyan MiG-33 - Wikiwand
MiG-33 was the development designation of the aircraft that was eventually delivered as the MiG-29. Certain variants of the MiG-29 were designated MiG-33.