Mihi whakatau and mihimihi - Massey University
Find out what happens at a mihi whakatau, and learn how to introduce yourself with a mihimihi and a pepeha. A mihi whakatau is a general welcome in Māori. It's less formal than a pōwhiri. …
Mihi - introductions, Māori ki Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka
At the beginning of any hui, following the pōwhiri (formal welcome) or the mihi whakatau (a welcome, as practised off marae across the Ngāi Tahu tribal region), a round of introductions …
Poroporoaki - Introduction from Whaikōrero - RNZ
One of the most important traditions of the marae is whaikōrero, the ceremonial speech. The type of whaikōrero heard at tangihanga is poroporoaki, the final farewell to the dead. In its simplest …
Mihimihi - akomanga
As a beginner you may start off with a basic simple mihimihi and as your reo progresses you may add more korero. This is a short simple informal mihimihi for beginners. Click the button below, …
Ko te whaikōrero, ko ia nei ngā mihi nui a ngā kaumātua i runga i ngā marae i roto i ngā huihuinga a te iwi.1 Whaikōrero, or formal speech-making, according to Barlow is performed by male …
Māori welcomes – Pōwhiri, mihi whakatau & mihimihi
Find out about karanga, whaikōrero, waiata, hongi and sharing kai – the essential elements of a pōwhiri. Find out what happens at a mihi whakatau (Māori welcome), and learn how to …
Historian Michael King describes the traditional whaikōrero sequence as follows: The speeches follow a set pattern beginning with a tauparapara . . . This is followed by a eulogy to the dead, …
Whaikōrero (and academic writing) | Te Ipu Pakore: The Broken …
2010年2月1日 · According to Kōrero Māori, the basic format for the whaikōrero (oratory) phase of a pōwhiri (formal welcome) is: tauparapara (introductory salutation): a prayer or chant, suitable …
Marae Protocol | Eske Style
Mihi/Whaikorero. The mihi and whaikōrero are the formal greetings and speeches exchanged between hosts and visitors. If the speeches are to be made inside the wharenui (meeting …
whaikōrero - Te Aka Māori Dictionary
The basic format for whaikōrero is: tauparapara (a type of karakia); mihi ki te whare tupuna (acknowledgement of the ancestral house); mihi ki a Papatūānuku (acknowledgement of …