Mihi whakatau and mihimihi - Massey University
Find out what happens at a mihi whakatau, and learn how to introduce yourself with a mihimihi and a pepeha. A mihi whakatau is a general welcome in Māori. It's less formal than a pōwhiri. …
Mihi - introductions, Māori ki Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka
At the beginning of any hui, following the pōwhiri (formal welcome) or the mihi whakatau (a welcome, as practised off marae across the Ngāi Tahu tribal region), a round of introductions …
Māori welcomes – Pōwhiri, mihi whakatau & mihimihi
Find out what happens at a mihi whakatau (Māori welcome), and learn how to introduce yourself with a mihimihi and pepeha. Pōwhiri, mihi whakatau and mihimihi are authentic …
What is a mihi whakatau? - The University of Auckland
A mihi whakatau is a form of welcome similar to a pōwhiri, but less formal. The main difference between a pōwhiri and a mihi whakatau is that while a pōwhiri may be conducted on a Marae, …
Pōwhiri and Mihi Whakatau - Otago Polytechnic
Pōwhiri and mihi whakatau are both ways of welcoming guests and establishing connections. A pōwhiri is a formal welcome, traditionally onto a marae, the traditional meeting grounds. The …
毛利语会议和问候用语 - Talkpal
Ngā mihi – 谢谢,相当于 “Thank you”。 Ngā mihi mō tō awhina. 正式会议用语. Whakatau – 欢迎辞或致辞,相当于 “Welcome speech”。 Ka tīmata te hui ki te whakatau. …
Mihi (Māori culture) - Wikipedia
In Māori, a mihi or mihi whakatau is a formal or semi-formal speech or speeches of greeting at a meeting such as a hui. [1] The speech acknowledges those present, and may be accompanied …
Te Reo Māori Glossary - ServiceIQ
Ngā mihi o te Raumati | Greetings for Summer. These Te Reo Māori videos demonstrate how to pronounce Māori words.
Mihi and Karakia – Mauao Adventures
MIHI WHAKATAU. We can think of our mihi being in 3 main parts. We want to keep it light as our mahi is noa. Any thought for matenga will be for the person not the spiritual world. Utilise what …
Māori Introduction to Language: Mihi, Pepeha & Whakapapa
Learn about Māori beliefs, traditional values, tikanga, and the honouring of the Treaty of Waitangi. This Māori introduction booklet is ideal for teachers who: Have come from overseas to teach in …
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