How to Get a miio Charging Card?
There are 3 ways to charge your electric vehicle at a charging station: using a physical RFID card, using a mobile application (like miio), or by performing an adhoc charge, which can commonly be initiated by scanning a QR code at the station or using an automatic payment terminal.
Electric mobility made simple | Miio Electric
How to charge with miio. The app allows you to charge your electric vehicle at 285174 charging stations spread across three major European countries: Portugal, Spain and France with just one card or application.
Mobilidade elétrica, simples! | Miio Electric
Como carregar com a miio. A app permite carregar o seu veículo elétrico em 285174 postos de carregamento espalhados por três grandes países europeus: Portugal, Espanha e França com apenas um cartão ou aplicação.
miio - Simplifying electric mobility
miio simplifies electric mobility, allowing users to charge their electric vehicles at numerous charging stations in Portugal, Spain, and France.
miio - Apps on Google Play
2025年3月11日 · Miio app allows you to comfortably charge your electric vehicle in Portugal, France and Spain, get to know the final price beforehand and interact with the community. Miio makes it possible to:...
miio 5.4.0 - 下载
2025年3月5日 · Miio app offers a convenient solution for charging your electric vehicle in Portugal, France, and Spain. It provides features such as transparent pricing, community interaction, and a user-friendly interface. With Miio, you can: Easily charge your vehicle using the app or a …
miio for Android - Download - Softonic
2025年1月19日 · Miio is a free app developed by miio that allows electric vehicle owners in Portugal, France, and Spain to comfortably charge their vehicles. With Miio, you can charge your vehicle through the app or physical card, and have full control over your expenses before, during, and after your charging session.
python-miio 项目常见问题解决方案 - CSDN博客
2024年9月13日 · python-miio 是一个用于控制小米智能设备的 Python 库和命令行工具。 它支持小米的 miIO 和 MIoT 协议,允许用户通过编程或命令行界面与小米智能设备进行交互。 该项目是一个社区驱动的开源项目,不隶属于任何公司。 主要的编程语言是 Python。 1. 安装问题. 问题描述: 新手在安装 python-miio 时可能会遇到依赖项安装失败或版本不兼容的问题。 使用虚拟环境: 建议在安装 python-miio 之前创建一个虚拟环境,以避免与其他 Python 包发生冲突。 使用 pip 安 …
Introduction to Electric Mobility Guide - miio
Miio explains how to take your first steps in the world of electric mobility! How to charge my vehicle? How much does it cost to charge with miio? How to charge my vehicle? 1. 2. Search for the nearest charging points and filter them according to your preferences. Get directions to …
[技术探讨] MIIO or MIOT - Hassbian.com
2021年10月11日 · Miio不通用,但都是内网,只要米家app可以控制的功能都可以抓app日志来看参数。 然后用Miio-raw或自己写插件来用。 miio最好吧,不经过云,响应应该快一点。 实际是不同设备会用不同协议。 2个基本都是本地的,不过MIOT插件对于特殊设备也支持云端控制。 支持Miio的设备就用Miio,不支持的用Miot. 发现一个问题,miio的二代网关,虽然接入了ha,但很常掉线。 掉了还能连上的那种,断断续续。 不是网络的问题。 想问下大家用那种方式接入比较好, …