Matei Millo Offices Winner of the Industrial, Administrative, Touristic and Sportive Building section, at the National Architecture Biennale, Bucharest,...
contemporary assimilation of some Art Deco elements Matei Millo Offices Winner of the Industrial, Administrative, Touristic and Sportive Building...
New Project Tandem — adnba
Our latest project Tandem Offices is out! The Tandem and Millo buildings, two office buildings and public spaces located on either side of Matei Millo Street, form a large-scale recent …
Millo Office Building | ADNBA | Archello
Through its volume and architectural language, Millo Office Building aims to integrate organically within the urban setting adjacent to Victoriei Boulevard.
ADN BA: Millo Offices, Bucharest - e-zeppelin
In exchange, the city received a false ruin, a light material reconstruction of the original portico: the reinvented past became a decor within a commercial architecture. Millo Office is the first …
ADN BA: Millo Offices, București - e-zeppelin.ro
Millo Office este prima intervenție la scară mai mare în zonă după mulți ani. Pe cealaltă parte a străzii Matei Millo se află în construcție clădirea de birouri Tandem, un proiect al aceluiași …
Tandem Offices | Deco Architects
Tandem Office is located adiacent to the Phones Palace building. The building, along with Matei Millo Offices, is part of Bucharest’s center urban regeneration and aims to bring a …
Tandem Office Building - Anuala de Arhitectură București
The Tandem and Millo buildings, two office buildings and public spaces located on either side of Matei Millo Street, form a large-scale recent intervention, with an impact on a wider area in the …
The office district Sector Zero, comprising of Tandem and Millo Offices, represents the revitalization and modernization of one of the most important central areas of Bucharest. …
Office Building on Matei Millo Street - Anuala de Arhitectură …
Through its volume and architectural language, Millo Office Building aims to integrate organically within the urban setting adjacent to Victoriei Boulevard.