What does "min" mean? - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2017年6月14日 · Min means Minimum. So yes, it's a function that, taken two elements, gives you the minimum of those.
algebra precalculus - What does the notation min max mean ...
Min clearly means minimum and max maximum, but I am confused about a question that says "With x, y, z x, y, z being positive numbers, let xyz = 1 x y z = 1, use the AM-GM inequality to show that min max [x + y, [x + y, x + z, x + z, y + z] = 2 y + z] = 2 What does this mean? (I am not looking for the answer this particular question, but just what "min max" means.
Notation for the smallest number in a set?
Consider for example the natural numbers, which certainly have a least element. In the cases where min min is not well-defined and inf inf would be more commonly used, one cannot really speak of the least element of a set, and so inf inf seems not applicable to this question.
What does arg min max mean? - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2015年10月16日 · The space between "arg" and "min" is confusing; it would better be written "argmin". What the operator argmin does, when applied to a function, is pick out the point in the function's domain at which the function takes its minimum value (assuming that …
What is the difference between $min_x$ and $min$
2018年8月14日 · The subscript of min is often used to denote the set in which the minimization takes place. For example minx∈[0,1](f(x)) is the same as min({f(x): x ∈ [0, 1]}). In some cases the set is mentioned later, like "minx(f(x)), for x ∈ A". This is an optimization problem with feasible set A and objective function f. In (1) there is a triple (f(x), g(x), h(x)) inside the …
Meaning of “arg min” - Mathematics Stack Exchange
Define argminx f(x) arg min x f (x) as the set of values of x x for which the minimum of f(x) f (x) is attained, so it is the set of values where the function attains the minimum. Thus, argminx f(x) arg min x f (x) is a subset of the domain of f(x) f (x). For your example: xn x n is known and depends on πnk π n k; k k equals to the value of j j such that ∥xn −μj∥2 ‖ x n − μ j ...
max and min versus sup and inf - Mathematics Stack Exchange
The definitions for inf inf and min min are symmetric when replacing upper bound by lower bound, etc. Note, however, that not every order relation has this property of having upper bounds, not even for bounded subsets.
How is $\\min\\{X,Y\\}$ defined for $X, Y$ random variables?
2015年12月24日 · No, M:= min{X, Y} M:= min {X, Y} is a random variable itself that "records" the lowest value of X, Y X, Y. You do not compare the probabilities but the values of the random variables. For example first dice X X, you roll and you get a 5 5, second dice Y Y you roll and you get a 3 3 then min{X, Y} = 3 min {X, Y} = 3. As a random variable M M has its own distribution that in the special case X ...
Unfamiliar notation for min - Mathematics Stack Exchange
The notation is read "min over k of..." meaning that you are free to adjust the value of k k in order to minimize the value of jk j k. A clearer example would be:
Nice expression for minimum of three variables?
which isn't intuitively the minimum of three numbers, and isn't even symmetrical in the variables, even though its output is. Is there some nicer way of expressing this function?