What does "minmax" mean? - Role-playing Games Stack Exchange
2015年7月15日 · Sometimes players resort to “min/maxing” when selecting weapon proficiencies. Min/maxing occurs when a player calculates all the odds and numerical advantages and disadvantages of a particular weapon. The player’s decision isn’t based on his imagination, the campaign, role-playing, or character development.
What is Min/Max? - World of Warcraft Forums
2020年8月22日 · I only started really playing in BFA and I hear about min/max, I was too afraid to ask until now. What is it and should I try to achieve this?
Min/maxing - General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums
2019年5月25日 · Race changing for a 40 dps increase? Min/maxing Spending 20k to swap out all your gems for a 62 dps increase? Min/maxing. It takes gearing up/having ideal stats to an almost fanatical extreme. Where every single little detail matters. And there is nothing wrong with that. There is also nothing wrong with not wanting to go to such extremes.
⌛ Min/Maxing Culture is Ruining Classic - WoW Classic General ...
2020年2月16日 · Tipsout just released this video talking about the negative effects “Min/Maxing” has on Classic and gaming in general. And he made some great points which I will summarize: When Raiding feels like a Job, you’re not having fun. Min/Maxing optimizes the Fun out of the game. Efficiency =/= Fun. If you run around and collect World Buffs and log out of the game until a Raid. Are you still ...
Does min-maxing take the fun out of multiplayer games?
2022年4月25日 · Thread topic. I’m curious what other players think about this. Personally, I don’t mind min-maxing in multiplayer games. There will always be a “meta” as a result of this. That said, I also don’t mind build/spec/class diversity. I’m an advocate of playing what you find fun or what you inherently enjoy. I also vary from tier to tier. Some tiers, I’ll reroll FOTM and other tiers, I ...
What's the point of playing D4 if you don't like to min/max
2023年5月22日 · (Playing something underpowered can actually require more knowledge of game mechanics to succeed.) Or, perhaps it’s better to think of it like min-maxing for a different outcome. You min-max for optimal power. I min-max to find the most enjoyable playstyle that can meet my in game goals. Power is not the only endgame.
How to min-max? - Paradox Interactive Forums
2023年7月30日 · The first rule of min-maxing is not to make resources that you aren't using. Unity, alloys, and research are the end results of the economy, and everything else (with the partial exception of energy) should be trimmed to the bare minimum. Employ no more farmers than you need to keep food in the green.
The min-maxing community is toxic - World of Warcraft Forums
2020年8月23日 · Over 80% of us don’t touch mythic 15+ content or mythic raids. The argument that content needs to be catered to the minority of players is exhausting and needs to be stopped. I play this game for fun, to collect cool gear, beat people without said gear and show progress on my favorite characters. I DON’T play this game to have a 2-5% advantage over people and exclude them from content. If ...
Making the AI as min-maxing as possible is really stupid.
2020年4月1日 · that's what i'm saying, now they are min-maxing to their fullest extent, the only way to counter that is for us the player to equally min-max that much. while the AI can multitask and min-max infinite number of armies, the same experience is simply not enjoyable for the player. the game should be challenging in intellectual way, …
Yes. You need to min/max - General Discussion - World of …
2020年5月12日 · Min-maxing their char would probably be enough to push them over the line, granting them the sweet mogs they were after. Your standard heroic guild’s on a smaller server just got their 2 carries poached. the remaining group now have difficulty hitting the AOTC, stuck on the last boss, with a tiny recruitment pool.