Min System - Wikipedia
The MinCDE system prevents FtsZ polymerization near certain parts of the plasma membrane. MinD localizes to the membrane only at cell poles and contains an ATPase and an ATP-binding domain. MinD is only able to bind to the membrane when in its ATP-bound conformation.
The E. coli MinCDE system in the regulation of protein patterns and ...
MinC is a passenger protein supposedly operating as a downstream cue of the system, coupling it to the division machinery. The MinCDE system has helped to extract not only the principles underlying intracellular patterns, but also how they are shaped by cellular boundaries.
The MinDE system is a generic spatial cue for membrane protein ...
2018年9月26日 · The E. coli MinCDE system has become a paradigmatic reaction–diffusion system in biology. The membrane-bound ATPase MinD and ATPase-activating protein MinE oscillate between the cell poles ...
革兰氏阴性菌Min系统以大肠杆菌中的Min 系统为代表,由FtsZ 功能抑制蛋白MinC 、膜结合的ATP 酶MinD和结构拓扑因子MinE 组成,是研究最为深入的Min 系统。 MinD是这一系统的核心组分,它定位于细胞两极的细胞膜上,负责招募MinC 并与之互作;MinC 负责实现对FtsZ 组装的抑制[5]。 MinE 则可以与MinC竞争互作位点,与MinD 结合,迫使MinCD 解体进入游离状态并移动向细胞另一极重新组装,实现Min 系统的摆动[6] [7]。 革兰氏阳性菌Min 系统以枯草芽孢杆菌的Min 系统为代表,包 …
The E. coli MinCDE system in the regulation of protein ... - PubMed
The MinCDE system has helped to extract not only the principles underlying intracellular patterns, but also how they are shaped by cellular boundaries. Moreover, it serves as a model to investigate how patterns can confer information through specific and non-specific interactions with other molecules.
The MinCDE Cell Division System Participates in the Regulation of …
2022年7月31日 · The minCDE genes encode Min system proteins that have been demonstrated to prevent the formation of septa at cell poles by inhibiting the Z-ring, ensuring that bacterial cell division occurs in the middle of cell, not at cell poles in E. coli, Bacillus subtilis, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa [18,19,40].
The E. coli MinCDE system in the regulation of protein patterns and ...
2019年11月1日 · MinC is a passenger protein supposedly operating as a downstream cue of the system, coupling it to the division machinery. The MinCDE system has helped to extract not only the...
The bacterial Min system - ScienceDirect
2013年7月8日 · The mechanisms of MinCDE oscillation, splitting, and restriction of the Z ring to the cell center are largely worked out but questions still remain, including whether the MinC and MinD proteins adopt a higher order structure.
Assembly dynamics of the bacterial MinCDE system and spatial ... - PubMed
In Escherichia coli, the Min system consists of three proteins that cooperate to position the Z ring through a fascinating oscillation, which inhibits the formation of the Z ring away from midcell. Additional gradients of negative regulators of FtsZ assembly are used by E. coli and other bacteria to achieve spatial control of Z-ring assembly.
Self-organized protein patterns: The MinCDE and ParABS systems
2021年10月1日 · Herein, we explore recent advances in the understanding of two prokaryotic pattern-forming systems: the MinCDE system, positioning the FtsZ ring precisely at the midcell, and the ParAB S system, distributing newly synthesized DNA along with the cell.