How MindWave Mobile 2 Works - NeuroSky
MindWave Mobile 2 EEG headsets are the culmination of decades of EEG biosensor technology research—all in one easy-to-control, wearable package. As the most affordable brainwave-reading EEG headset available, the MindWave Mobile 2 transform science fiction into reality from the comfort of your living room.
MindWave Mobile 2 - NeuroSky 神念科技
MindWave Mobile 2使用了BLE+蓝牙双模的连接方式,耳机外观的物理设计得到了增强,较之上一代更适合长时间的佩戴。 您还可以非常方便地在神念科技官方应用商店下载APP。
MindWave Mobile 2
MindWave Mobile 2 Setup Kit for Windows. A Setup Kit of Getting Started goodies, including: the Tutorial app, ThinkGear Connector, Quick Start Guide, and the product User Manual. With the MindWave Mobile 2 Setup Kit for Windows, you'll easily get started with your new headset! More Windows apps are available on the NeuroSky Store.
EEG Headsets | NeuroSky Store
Buy the New MindWave Mobile 2 Headset Now! Unlock a new level of fun with brainwave powered games! Learn better with insight into how your brain works. Feel your best with focused meditation and mood tracking apps. Make exciting EEG products and neuroscience discoveries. Experience more cool brainwave products powered by NeuroSky!
MindWave Mobile 2 Available Now! Improved Comfort - NeuroSky
2018年6月14日 · MindWave Mobile 2 works with all your *MindWave Mobile Plus apps and features several design improvements for your comfort. Flexible rubber sensor arms and rounded forehead sensor tip, T-shaped headband, and wider ear clip contacts make MindWave Mobile 2 our most comfortable EEG headset yet.
脑电传感器及设备 - NeuroSky 神念科技硬件包括TGAM脑电模块及 …
MindWave Mobile 2 可以安全的采集和输出脑电功率谱(alpha波,beta波,etc), eSense专注指数,eSense放松指数和眨眼。 该设备由一个耳机,一个耳夹和一个传感器支臂组成。
MindWave Mobile:一款牛逼的意念控制设备 - CSDN博客
2012年6月5日 · 2: MindWave Mobile通过轻轻的接触头部皮肤就能捕捉到这些脑电波,并进一步分析出大脑的思维状态。 3: 这些思维状态信息随即被传入电脑,与电脑上的大脑训练系统应用程序实现实时互动。
NeuroSky MindWave Mobile 2 EEG Sensor Starter Kit
The NeuroSky MindWave Mobile 2 EEG Sensor Starter Kit takes decades of laboratory EEG technology research and puts it in your hands. Simply Slip on the headset and see your brainwaves change in real time. Monitor your levels of attention and relaxation, and Learn about how your brain responds to your favorite music.
NeuroSky MindWave Mobile 2: Brainwave Starter Kit 腦波儀 腦 …
This is the MindWave Mobile 2 from NeuroSky, an EEG headset that safely measures and transfers the power spectrum (alpha waves, beta waves, etc.) data via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) or Bluetooth Classic to wirelessly communicate with your computer, iOS, or Android device.
【新訊報到】睽違三年萬眾矚目的MindWave Mobile 2 腦波儀 …
2024年6月19日 · 已經三年沒有看到的MindWave Mobile 2出現了,是不是特別想念呢!快來搶購,讓回憶再現!🕰️