Amazon.com: Mindflex Game : Toys & Games
Mindflex, the new mental acuity game from Mattel, makes that dream a reality. A lightweight headset containing sensors for the forehead and earlobes measures your brainwave activity. When you focus your concentration, a small foam ball will rise on a gentle stream of air. Relax your thoughts and the ball will descend.
MindFlex Home Tuition: #1 Established Home Tuition Agency in …
Whether you are looking for home tuition for PSLE/O/N/A Level Preparation, helping your K2 child transit to P1 smoothly, or even preparing a foreign student for the AEIS/SPERS Exams, MindFlex has got it covered. With the largest database of 50,000+ active tutors in Singapore, we are 100% confident in finding the right home tutor fit for you.
Mindflex - Wikipedia
Mindflex is a toy by Mattel by which, according to its description, the operator uses their brain waves to steer a ball through an obstacle course. Brain waves are registered by the enclosed EEG headset, which allows the user to control an air stream by concentrating, thus lifting or lowering a foam ball. [1]
Amazon.com: Board Games Mindflex : Toys & Games
2011年8月15日 · Defy gravity and sharpen your mental focus to move the ball laterally and vertically--concentrate to make the ball rise, and relax your mind to let it fall. Mindflex Duel comes with an instruction manual with tips and practice exercises to …
MindFLEX - 百度百科
MindFlex基于美国NeuroSky公司的最新脑机接口技术,通过采集脑电波实现意念控制,是不是很神奇? 戴上配套的耳机,只要你集中精力,耳机会接收你的脑电波,感应器会做出反应,让那 …
MindFlex基於美國NeuroSky公司的最新腦機接口技術,通過採集腦電波實現意念控制,是不是很神奇? 戴上配套的耳機,只要你集中精力,耳機會接收你的腦電波,感應器會做出反應,讓那個藍色的小球漂浮在空中,你可以用意念控制它的高低(意念越集中,小球漂浮的越高),然後去飛過各種小障礙。 集中注意力就會產生腦電波,遊戲運用了腦電圖一類的技術,通過耳部和額頭的感測器來讀取腦電波的活躍度。 感測器並不產生和干擾腦電波,只是把它們讀取出來。 頭套識別了 …
脑波玩具 - 百度百科
Mindflex - NeuroSky
Tired of games that depend on the roll of a die or lucky draw? With the help of advanced technology, Mindflex introduces a whole new way to play--by using the power of your mind! You'll feel like a character in a science fiction movie as you strap on the headset, connect the clips to your ear lobes, and align the metal
Mindflex Group
Mindflex Group, founded by Dr. Vanessa Moulton, offers science-based psychological fitness methods to help individuals and organizations manage life's pressures, enhance performance, and improve well-being.
MindFlex Assessments – Supporting the work of ACT and …
We are committed to developing an easy-to-use, convenient, and straightforward assessment service targeted to the needs of clinicians and therapists using ACT and Mindfulness-Based interventions.