I made an AI friend you can talk to and play with in Minecraft
2024年7月23日 · I've always felt that games are way more enjoyable with friends, so I decided to create an AI friend to bring that experience into Minecraft. MinePal is an AI player that you can …
I want to make a BOT, a player A.I. - Minecraft Forum
2015年3月23日 · Like you mentioned, you just need the entity to "sense its surroundings" and then change it's AI state based on those surroundings. Just break the problem down into …
[BuilderGPT] Generate minecraft building in 30 seconds with the …
2024年5月12日 · BuilderGPT is an open source, free, AI-powered Minecraft structure generator. It was developed for minecraft map makers. It can generate structures in *.schem* format and …
Looking for a mod that has AI bots in it, like AI ... - Minecraft Forum
2024年12月26日 · Was wondering if there is mods out there that add bots to the game, like they play like the player, build houses or structures, mine, explore, hunt, survive. Kind of like the …
[AI Hunter] Minecraft Manhunt datapack
2021年1月29日 · not an official minecraft website. NOT APPROVED BY OR ASSOCIATED WITH MOJANG OR MICROSOFT [AI Hunter] Minecraft Manhunt datapack - Maps - Mapping and …
Albert AI - A Self-Learning Chatbot in Vanilla Minecraft
2017年6月17日 · Albert is a Vanilla Minecraft chatbot AI that you can speak with in game. Albert is capable of self learning, that is, as you speak with Albert, he can grow a memory log and recall …
[1.20.1][Vanilla SMP] aiCraft - Full Community SMP - Minecraft …
2023年2月21日 · The AI-powered Minecraft Server Idea I am planning on creating a Minecraft server that uses Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to potentially automate tasks that …
Automated Building Bot - Creative Mode - Minecraft Forum
2017年7月9日 · I finished duplicating one of my temple's today with the automated building bot. Instead of building the temple with the automated building bot in the center block location, I …
Does this AI/Chatbot mod already exist? - Minecraft Forum
2016年5月18日 · Sorry if I missed something when I googled, but I am looking for a very specific type of mod for custom chat bot/AI NPC's. One that you can custom tailor their personalities …
Gemini (or Any other AI) God - Minecraft Forum
The mod aims to create a dynamic and immersive gameplay experience by integrating AI-powered features that allow players to interact with the game world in new and exciting ways. …