Minolta 16 II Film Cassettes - Photo.net
2006年8月29日 · Beware of the "home-made" ones going around, though. They are advertised as "new film", and they do not have a very good reputation. It is often cheaper to buy a Minolta 16 …
Minolta 16 and Kiev Vega/30/303 cassettes - Photo.net
2004年4月4日 · I have two Minolta 16 cameras -- a 1957-1959 original Minolta 16 (the. first one to carry that name) and late 1960s vintage Minolta 16 MG, a. selenium match-needle metered …
minolta spy camera - Beginner Questions - Photo.net
2016年7月14日 · I forgot Lomography reintroduced 110. The OP's camera takes the regular Minolta 16 cassette. The film does not need . perforations to advance. Once you get a few …
source of 16mm cassettes / film - Minox/Miniature - Photo.net
2008年6月29日 · Minolta cassettes turn up regularly on auction and sell for anything from $1 to $30. Some shops also have stocks of film cartridges and the Minolta ones are particularly …
Minolta 16 - Minox/Miniature - Photo.net
2003年6月6日 · Rollei 16 has a front element focusing 1:2,8/25mm Tessar lens. not as good as the Edixa 16 unit focusing 1:2,8/25mm Xenar lens.<p> Rollei is longer, and heavier, 290g vs …
New owner of a Minolta 16 MG - Minox/Miniature - Photo.net
2006年2月24日 · Hello, there was no sub-miniature forum, so I hope I am posting in theright place. I am a new owner of a Minolta 16 MG film camera. (2 actally, one worksperfectly and …
minolta 16 worth and find film for it - Sony/Minolta - Photo.net
2004年6月22日 · I got a Minolta 16-II in about 1963 and used it for B&W shots in the Middle-East and Paris. For good results, it required more care in processing than I could give it, but it was …
Minolta MG 16... - DSLR & Film Cameras - Photo.net
2020年7月30日 · I was rummaging through my closet/darkroom when I ran into a Minolta MG 16 point-and-shoot camera that I purchased over 15 years ago on eBay. I sort of forgot how to …
Introduction/16mm film processing questions - Photo.net
2016年11月21日 · <p>My name is Jim, I live in north Alabama and recently re-acquainted myself with film photography with my old medium format and 35mm cameras. Success with that …
I'm the proud owner of a vintage Minolta 16-II, Now what?
2008年5月24日 · Like you, I have a Minolta 16-2; and a regular 16; a 16Ps; and a QT. Also like you, I've never exposed a shot with a Minolta 16, because the film wasn't available until Goat …