Leica CL - Wikipedia
The Leica CL is a 35mm compact rangefinder camera with interchangeable lenses in the Leica M-mount. It was developed in collaboration with Minolta who manufactured it. It first appeared in April 1973 and was released in the Japanese market in November 1973 as the Leitz Minolta CL. [1]
The Leica CL / Minolta CL - CameraQuest
Introduced in 1973 and discontinued only three years later, the Leica CL is the smallest and lightest interchangeable M mount rangefinder. Leica CL mounting 40/2 Summicron with collapsible rubber shade. Note the very conveniently placed shutter dial which can be used without removing your eye from the viewfinder.
Review: The Leitz Minolta CL - davidde.com
2018年11月17日 · If looking for the closest alternative, the 1980 M-mount Minolta CLE does everything a CL does and more. The CLE has aperture-priority autoexposure, uses modern batteries, adds a 28mm frameline, employs standard film loading (swing back door), and has much longer effective baselength for more accurate focusing.
Leica CL Review (The Film Camera) - 35mmc
2016年9月17日 · The Leica CL is an unusual camera for a Leica, mainly because it isn’t a pure bread Leica – in fact it wasn’t even actually made by Leica. The CL is a cross breed, it’s a product of collaboration between German camera manufacturer Leica, and Japanese manufacturer Minolta. The Germans helped design it, but the Japanese made it.
QL17与LEITZ MINOLTA CL——胶片入坑尝试 - 什么值得买
2020年4月8日 · 当今在售的徕卡里也有一台apsc无反被称为cl,但此cl非彼cl。 我手上这台CL是徕卡于1973年设计,和美能达合作生产的,当时共生产了三种型号:Leica CL,Leitz-Minolta CL和Minolta CL,对应的是不同的销售范围和生产时期。
往事難忘——Leitz Minolta CL - L39camera
2012年7月28日 · Leica CL/Leitz Minolta CL,兼容大部分M Mount鏡頭,都是由Minolta日本製造,前者是在世界各地發售,後者是日本本土發售。 雖然不清楚Minolta對CL開發工作的參與程度,但可以肯定它對設計這台史無前例的小型RF貢獻良多。
Vintage Camera Review: Leica CL (Leitz Minolta CL, Minolta CLE)
2017年3月17日 · Scoot over to the top of the Leica CL and what you’ll find are the hot shoe, shutter release, film advance and the film counter. It’s a simple and beautiful camera–much simpler than today ...
35mm Leica CL Film Camera review (Minolta CL) - MrLeica.com …
35mm Leica CL film camera review (also known as the Leica Minolta CL camera). If you are looking for the digital CL see here instead – Digital Leica CL. This article is a comparison of the analogue Leica CL vs Leica M3, Leica CL vs Leica iiia and considers the Voigtlander Bessa R3A camera. YouTube video embedded below.
徕卡也可以这么便宜?便携旁轴胶片机Leica CL/Leitz Minolta CL测 …
徕卡CL 35mm 小型旁轴胶片相机,M口。1971年生产的一款小型旁轴相机,定位是不同于徕卡M5的一个更为低价的产品。当时徕卡为了降低生产成本,希望可以找其他技术好同时工人成本更低的公司来合作,所以就诞生了和美能达合作的徕卡CL,包括leica CL、Leitz Minolta CL。
Leitz Minolta CLを徹底解説。作例からおすすめレンズまで | ONE …
1973年11月、ドイツの老舗メーカーLeicaと日本のMinoltaが業務提携して誕生したカメラLeitz Minolta CL(ライツミノルタCL)。 露出計内蔵、レンズ交換式レンジファインダーカメラでありながら、コンパクトなボディが特徴のカメラです。
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