Minox 35 PL - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera encyclopedia
2022年1月9日 · The Minox 35 PL continued Minox's successful range of 35mm compact cameras, reputedly the smallest full-frame 35mm cameras ever made. The lens retracts into the camera body when closed, fully opening the cover activates the battery.
Minox 35 PL - Italian Film Photography
While using it, the Minox 35 PL behaves very well in all photographic situations requiring readiness (once made a habit to focusing on distance estimate) thanks to the automatic program that ranges from 1/500 coupled to f/16 up to 1/4 (or 1/15 with low sensitivity film) at f/2.8, especially on maintaining enough shutter speed to freeze motion.
Minox 35 - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera encyclopedia
2024年8月31日 · The Minox 35 range consisted of a series of tiny, full-frame 35mm viewfinder cameras. They became known as the World's smallest full frame 35mm camera. The Makrolon body with a folding front door houses a retractable lens, the front of the viewfinder and the battery compartment. Opening the door extends the lens and switches on the electronics.
PL - Minox 35mm - submin
The Minox 35 PL was added to the Minox range in 1982 and has fully automatic programme exposure control. green shutter release two LEDs - red and green - in front of the flash shoe; Red LED over the "NO" in "MINOX" on the front of the body is the same as on the GT. Film, format: 35 mm film, frame format 24 x 36 mm Lens: Minox Color - MINOTAR f ...
間諜的後裔—Minox 35 - 那些年相遇的老靈魂 - Medium
2021年7月22日 · Minox 35 GT跟許多系列中其他相機一樣,是玻璃纖維強化PC塑膠機身。 機身大小為100 mm×61 mm×31 mm (W×H×D),含電池重僅有200g,電池是PX27S(6V),可以用4顆 ...
Classic Camera Review: The Minox 35 | B&H eXplora - B&H …
2020年8月26日 · From 1974 to 1996, the Minox 35 was the world’s smallest full-frame 35mm camera. It features a foldaway 35mm f/2.8 lens, aperture-priority exposure with exposure override, and the stealthiest street profile you’ll ever find in a camera.
美乐时35 PL网友点评 - xitek.com
权威的摄影器材评测与点评,全面深入的器材资讯。 汇聚摄影爱好者的宝贵摄影经验、技巧和影像处理方法。 各色各样的数码相机,单反相机,相机镜头资料尽在其中。
Minox 35 PL | La 35mm full frame più piccola al mondo - ISO Film …
Minox 35 PL monta una lente 35mm con apertura diaframma da f2.8 a f16. Possibilità di esposizione automatica (A) e manuale, messa a fuoco manuale, velocità dell’otturatore da 1/30 sec. a 1/500 sec. Sul dorso sono presenti due led: il led rosso si accenderà nel caso di scarsa illuminazione, il led verde serve per conoscere lo stato di ...
Minox 35PL instruction manual, user manual - Butkus
Minox 35PL instruction manual The next page contains information on this camera. If the image below looks like your camera, click below to see the PDF manual. The next page also contains information on how to donate to this site.
Minox 35 PL - Lippisches Kamera Museum
Die Minox 35 PL ist das erste Modell der Minox 35 Serie mit vollautomatischer Belichtungseinstellung. Die Minox 35 PL besitzt eine Programmautomatik, welche die richtige Zeit-, Blendenkombination vollautomatisch wählt, für Korrekturen bietet sie eine Gegenlichtkorrektur.