AX - the last all mechanical Minox 8x11 - submin
2004年7月21日 · Looking like an LX without the meter the manual AX is reduced to the size of the Riga and A. Manufactured as a special, limited-edition collectible of only 500 briefly in early …
最著名的间谍照相机 美乐时 MINOX - 知乎专栏
MINOX-最著名的间谍照相机,算是小众收藏品里的大众品牌。 1934年发明人Walter Zapp从一个火柴盒大小的小木块开始了研发MINOX的工作,经过了两年的努力,1936年第一台原型机问 …
值得收藏-Minox AX 和 Minox LX 限量版 - 百度贴吧
Minox AX 系列是对Minox III 外形的复制,但却采用的LX系列相机的控制系统。 AX系列有4种机型,镀铬(500件-1992),镀金I (250件-1994),镀金II(250件-1995),黑色(222 …
Minox AX - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera encyclopedia
2022年1月9日 · The Minox Model AX was introduced in 1992 as a limited edition, all mechanical camera. It has a cut down Minox LX body, but with the mechanical shutter mechanism from …
Minox Ax for sale | eBay
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Minox 8x11 Variations - submin
2005年10月9日 · The Minox AX camera is essentially a BL without the meter, in the LX series style/ergonomics fully mechanical but so few made that it is also rare and expensive. The LX …
Welcome to MinoxDoc
I've created this site to share my admiration, enthusiasm and overall knowledge of the Minox subminiature camera line. Over the past several years, I have been collecting, trading, using …
Minox AX: what is it good for? - Minox/Miniature - Photo.net
2024年12月18日 · When I was offered a Minox AX in the summer, I simply couldn't resist. The Minox AX is the perfection of mechanical Minox cameras. And it is by no means just for …
AX gold II - the last all mechanical Minox 8x11 - submin
Last Updated on 21st July 20048x11 Subminiature Cameras Collection
Minox AX | 老相机科技古董收藏网
返回 2014.9.20 拍卖专场 Minox AX 拍品号: 20140920-434 预估价: € 600-900 欧元 起拍价: € 300 欧元 成交价: € 491.87 欧元 所属类别: 微型相机 (Subminiature Cameras) 外观成色: 2+