What's the big deal of Minox 35 MDC??? - Photo.net
2000年3月16日 · MDC is the flagship of Minox's 35mm camera. It has a aluminium body instead of Macrolon body, functionally it is the same as 35ML. <p> A lot of people like metal camera, and willing to pay for it. <p> There is also a gold plated MDC. <p> It all boils down to personal choice
"new version" Minox 35 shutters M D C, GTE - Photo.net
2008年8月3日 · Lacks to Andrew Britton of MS Hobbies all the other Minox 35mm camera have been fixed and run very smoothly. Best Minox 35mm - I like the ML and if not it then the Goldtop. I prefer the LED meter to the swing needle. MDC is heavier and click stop aperture making the ML slightly more flexible.
Minox MDC battery type and alternative. - Photo.net
2005年10月22日 · The slight difference in voltage does not affect the Minox cameras. MDC, as pointed out, like the 35ML uses the PX28. You can, if you have an old mercury battery open up the case and use button cells.
ISO control on Minox MDC 35mm, and lens quality vs Minoctar
2004年2月1日 · Hi, I'm on the hunt for a Minox 35mm compact, specifically one with exposure lock. I understand that that limits the field to two models: the ML or the MDC. The ML is of the older era and has manual ISO control. So much the better. I have seen contradictory statements regarding the MDC, with some...
Minox 35mm cameras specification - Minox/Miniature - Photo.net
1998年12月19日 · The Minox 35 series of camera was an instant success, it was much lighter then Rollei 35. Minox 35 series and Rollei 35 series coexisted for about two decades. <p> In the early 80s, there was a Minox immitation: Contax T, its pull out lens is fashioned after Minox 35mm camera.<P> About the same time, there was also Olympus
Minox 35mm: models and features? - Minox/Miniature - Photo.net
2004年3月5日 · Dear Minox-mates, with other various cameras, I proudly own a 35GT since many years ago. That's exactly the camera that "you'll have no excuses for not having with you, when you need it", as A. Spoerl said in a book.
Minox shutter problems, again! And how to DIY fix
2007年8月11日 · If you use a Minox everyready case or belt case to protect the Minox 35, and avoid the temptation of put a bare Minox in the pocket, which is full of dust and lint, you go a long way to avoid dust accumulation. in the Minox camera magnet and greatly improve the longevity of Minox. 35 camera.<P> I alway use Minox everyready case for my GT-E and ML.
Unexplained differences in Minox Minoxar 35 lens - Photo.net
2010年2月11日 · However Minox built the MDC using the Minoxar lens without the skylight filter.<br> Undoubtedly, Minox determined this newer Minoxar lens with the built in filter to be a significant improvement. This revised lens was employed with the billing of improved performance over the prior Color Minotar 35mm/f2.8.<br>
Minox 35ML - Minox/Miniature - Photo.net
2010年1月27日 · <p>Minox MDC was based on Minox 35ML with Minoxar lens instead of Minoctar lens.<br> Redesigned shutter and aperture control ring<br> The body is covered with anodized aluminium coated with Titanium Eloxart, hence its bodyis slightly thicker and wider than ML. Cannot fit into regular Minox leather case for GT,ML. There was special case for MDC.</p>
Schonbrunn Castle, Austria - Minox/Miniature - Photo.net
2025年3月19日 · MINOX MDC Agfacolar Create an account or sign in to comment. You need to be a member in order to leave a ...