Minox - Wikipedia
Minox (pronounced / ˈmiːnɒks / MEE-noks) is a manufacturer of cameras, known especially for its subminiature camera. The first product to carry the Minox name was a subminiature camera, conceived in 1922, and finally produced in 1936, by Baltic German Walter Zapp. [1] .
Discover the world of hunting optics - MINOX
Let yourself be carried away to distant hunting grounds and sporting championships by reports of experiences and fascinating stories. TO PROFILE. Discover the world of hunting optics for hunting: binoculars, riflescopes, night vision devices, spotting scopes or trail cameras - …
Riflescope - MINOX
MINOX riflescopes have been developed for a wide range of hunting and shooting requirements. Whether compact and lightweight for stalking, powerful for long distances or versatile for a wide range of applications. Bundled in versatile series, they cover every need.
How to set ASA/DIN on Minox B - Minox/Miniature - Photo.net
1998年12月19日 · How to set ASA/DIN on Minox B? For film speed within ASA 400 TO ASA 25 With the camera in closed position, turn the shutter speed dial to align the ASA/DIN pointer to the desired film speed; Pull open the Minox B al...
享受微型相机中的绝对王者——minox B - 无忌器材
2015年4月28日 · 粗略计算了一下,40cm长的胶卷可以拍摄20~25张,一卷135的胶卷裁切后,差不多可以拍摄约150张8*11的minox。 我自己做的裁片器,一卷135可以裁2条,市面上也有玩 …
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The Minox camera is widely acknowledged by historians of photographic technologies as a brilliant innovation and a quantum leap in photographic technology. The prototype from 1936 later became known as the Ur Minox. From 1937 and up until 1942 the first Minox known as Riga was produced at the Valsts Elektrotechniska Fabrika (VEF) in Riga.
MINOX - 百度百科
产品简称: 德国美乐时(MINOX)DC-3311 数码相机 产品简述: 德国著名微型相机生产企业美乐时(MINOX)或称【米诺克斯】公司,它是一个以生产迷你间谍相机和特殊用途相机而闻名的相机生产厂家,代表作就是为人们所津津乐道的微型仿古数码相机Minox Leica M3和钻石 ...
Minox | Camerapedia | Fandom
The classic Minox sub-miniature camera was originially designed by the Latvian engineer Walter Zapp. It was produced in Riga (Latvia) in 1937-1944. After the war, the camera was further developed in Wetzlar, Germany, and the first German Minox was released in 1948.
Milestones - MINOX
Although MINOX has primarily been known as the manufacturer of the famous spy cameras, MINOX is now focussing primarily on new product lines such as binoculars, spotting scopes, hunting scopes, wildlife cameras and night vision devices.