Minox TLX - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera encyclopedia
2022年1月8日 · Properties of the Minox TLX: Four-element 15 mm MINOX lens f/3,5/15mm; Electronic exposure measuring; Aluminium housing with titanium anodized finish; Range setting from 20 cm to infinity; Aperture priority (1/2000 s - B) Manual setting (1/2000 s - 1/30 s) Retractable neutral density filter; Links. Minox TLX user manual at Manualslib
Minox TLX - Minox 8x11 Collection - submin
Designated Minox TLX and available since summer 1995, in time for their 50th Anniversary that autumn has an anodized titanium body, black focusing scales and a black brand-name signature. This masterpiece of camera technology is hand-assembled out of 275 components.
巂永經典‧迷你間諜 - MINOX TLX - Mobile01
2008年8月21日 · minox 是一家專門生產迷你相機的廠商,旗下的相機款式,以使用 8 x 11 底片的 tlx 最為經典,這支曾經在無數諜報片出現的間諜相機,向來只能在電影上看的到,現在有機會能實際把玩到這 "支" 經典的間諜相機,心中難掩興奮之情,從一拿到 tlx 開始,觸摸到 tlx ...
—Minox样片展示,瑞士产的间谍相机,美国中情局用了都说好,相纸可变反差系统的直观演示,西德间谍相机Minox B的后继电子化改进型Minox LX,西德Minox间谍相机的两种附件(90°取景器/滤镜组),几乎是世界上最优秀的微型相机——GaMi16,复兴半世纪前的浪漫 ...
Minox LX - Crypto Museum
The Minox LX is a subminiature photo camera for 8 x 11 mm film, introduced in 1978 by Minox GmbH in Germany towards the end of the Cold War. It is fully electronically controlled and has a built-in Silicon Blue Cell (SBC) exposure meter, coupled to an electronic shutter mechanism.
Minox TLX Miniature 8x11 Camera (meters) w/ case, measuring …
Minox TLX Miniature 8x11 Camera is the quintessence of photographic miniaturization. Masterpieces of optical and mechanical precision, intricately manufactured to the tightest tolerances. The compact Minox TLX Miniature 8x11 Camera with the legendary film format of …
Minox LX Owner's Manual | Manualzz
Learn how to use your Minox LX camera with this comprehensive owner's manual. Discover its features like automatic exposure control, flash system, and close-up capabilities.
Minox Tlx for sale - eBay
Get the best deals for Minox Tlx at eBay.com. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items!
Minox TLX Titan, 1995 | 老相机科技古董收藏网 - laoxiangji.com
2011年3月26日 · Minox TLX, no. 2600157, LX 钛化机身版本. 布雷克拍品等级是为了方便竞买人判断拍卖品的成色而设置的。 布雷克等级用1到6级来标注外观和功能的成色, (从非常好到非常 …
The difference between LX, TLX, and CLX? - Minox/Miniature
2016年2月18日 · The LX used a 5.6 v PX27 battery to power the meter and electromatic shutter; the TLX and CLX use (4) 1.5 v silver oxide cells in an adapter. This same combo can also be used in the LX to replace the discontinued PX27. The TLX had a titanium coated finish, the LX had an aluminum, black aluminum, gold and platimun finish.
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