Mionix - Premium gaming gear.
We craft gaming mice, keyboards, headsets and more quality gear for all your gaming needs. Designed in Sweden.
Software & Firmware Downloads – Mionix Support Portal
Mionix Hub Software v1.5 (Windows & MAC) Only for Wie, Avior color and Castor color. Please ensure you download the correct software and firmware for your device. *If the device does not have software listed, it uses the...
Naos PRO - Mionix is back
It has been the flagship of Mionix for over a decade. It is finally back with upgraded hardware in its PRO edition! With its 80 million click durability switches, 19 000 DPI sensor, 100% PTFE low friction feet, and ultra-flexible cable it is guaranteed to withstand long gaming sessions.
小众外设——Mionix Castor深度评测 - 什么值得买
Dec 2, 2016 · Mionix这个牌子知道的人应该很少,这是一个来自瑞典的电竞品牌,北欧那边电竞事业发达,催生了不少外设品牌,Mionix的产品线覆盖了鼠标、键盘、耳 首页
Mionix 起死回生,并带来三款鼠标和一系列鼠标垫_鼠标_什么值得买
Aug 30, 2021 · Mionix,老玩家应该知道这个品牌,这是一家瑞典高端外设品牌,曾与QPAD齐名,专注性能,人体工学设计很出色。 从去年开始,Mionix渐渐的淡出了 首页
Amazon.com: Mionix NAOS PRO Wired Gaming Mouse, 19K DPI …
Mionix NAOS PRO Wired Gaming Mouse, 19K DPI Optical Sensor with 400 IPS, Kailh 80M Click Durability Micro-switches, 1K HZ Polling Rate, 7 Programmable Buttons, On-Board Memory for PC and MAC Recommendations
- Reviews: 108
Naos 7000 Software v1.24 - Mionix Support Portal
We recommend you to check so that you run the latest firmware on your product, you will find the latest version and instructions on how to install on the downloads page. If you have any questions, contact the support. Features. The NAOS 7000 is a truly ergonomic, right-handed gaming mouse.
mionix这个牌子鼠标如何? - 知乎
自用5个月 Mionix Castor . 刚开始感觉鼠标按键偏硬,熟悉2周之后渐入佳境。 对于个人来说品牌小众,表现出色,模型灯光低调,完美的体验。 这个品牌会伴随我很久了
小众中的小,MIONIX CASTOR - 什么值得买
MIONIX CASTOR这款鼠标采用了独特的人体工学设计,既优化抓取手感,也满足趴握的需求,增加不同手长的适用性。 右侧两段式承托给予无名指与小拇指单独的搁放位置,同时加大了垂直度,配合前端内收,与传统趴握鼠拉开了差距,侧重抓取的控制性,填补了右手电竞小鼠的空缺。 4层橡胶类肤涂层,触感细腻,并有多色淡彩系列可选。 PMW 3310光学传感器,32位ARM架构处理芯片,保证了CASTOR电竞级性能。 专业的鼠标驱动,功能全面、丰富,满足您打造自己 …
Mionix Support Portal
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