MicroSIP - lightweight VoIP SIP softphone for Windows - Official …
MicroSIP is a portable SIP softphone based on the PJSIP stack available for Microsoft Windows operating systems. It facilitates high quality VoIP calls (p2p or on regular telephones) based on the open SIP protocol.
MicroSIP online help
MicroSIP is a portable SIP softphone based on the PJSIP stack available for Microsoft Windows operating systems. It facilitates high quality VoIP calls (p2p or on regular telephones) based on the open SIP protocol.
小米社区 - MIUI
高级设置页面有sip设置选项,进入sip设置。 用户名就是分机号码,填写设置的密码,服务器地址就是公司pbx的地址,触摸设置可选设置, 只需要注意端口号,一般pbx默认5060,具体看管理员改成多少了,数据传输类型udp然后保存就可以了
小米社区 - MIUI
2018年4月9日 · MIUI的互联网电话跟QQ、微信、SKYPE等一样,可以支持手机对手机的语音通话。 此外,还支持通过廉价的SIP语音网关连接普通电话机,手机和电话机之间互相呼叫。 但也跟QQ等一样,不可呼叫公网座机和手机,因为那样会违反中国法律。 目前只可作为内线电话使用。 适合出国时与国内通话或作为家庭私有电话使用,绝对不会有诈骗骚扰电话打来。 但是有好多米粉不知道如何使用这个功能,接下来就跟大家介绍一下设置和使用方法。 按照以上步骤,填 …
MIO Chat
Mio is an open instant messaging service aimed at being accessible to a wide audience, focusing on the less tech-savvy. It is secure yet accessible, built on web standards, and aims to bridge the gap between popular closed messaging apps like WhatsApp and Telegram and decentralized, federated messaging systems.
23 Best Mio Flavors Ranked 2025 [Quenching the Curiosity] - Six …
2023年9月7日 · Discover the ultimate collection of the 23 best Mio flavors of 2025! Unleash your taste buds with these tantalizing and refreshing drink infusions.
請問一下有沒有好用的sip phone(IOS) - Mobile01
2018年5月15日 · 請問一下各位大大 我想要用網路電話 不要line或是skype那種因為工作上面的需求我需要及時跟國外客戶或是跟國內即時通訊國外客戶不流行用line視訊 所以我想要用有sip通信協定的可是我發現只要我把wifi跳掉 變成手機的行動網路就會跟原本註冊好的帳號斷開連結我去的地方有時候...(iPhone 軟體 第1頁)
What Is My IP Address - See Your Public Address - IPv4 & IPv6
My IP address information shows your IP location; city, region, country, ISP and location on a map. Many proxy servers, VPNs, and Tor exit nodes give themselves away. IP address lookup, location, proxy detection, email tracing, IP hiding tips, blacklist check, speed test, and forums.
Keeway SIP 125 vs Yamaha Mio Sporty Comparison - Zigwheels
Compare Keeway SIP 125 vs Yamaha Mio Sporty at Zigwheels based on Price, Specs, Performance, Features, Safety, Colours & Reviews.
Mio Sparkling Sake - The Sip Society
Mio Sparkling Sake Sip price: $30.95 | Retail price: $45. Mio sparkling sake is crisp, mellow sweetness with hints of apple and pear. Mio brightens any special occasion and pairs beautifully with appetizers and desserts. 750ML / 5% ABV (alcohol by volume)